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*Zayn's POV*

I went to school today because I was better. I was sick for 4 days and I'd never threw up so much in my life. I made it into school unnoticed. I skipped going to my locker and went to my first period class. I collected  the missing work from the bin and made my way to the back of the class.

I sighed putting my headphones in. A lot of kids walked in the class at once and I spotted Niall. I'm not sure why he's in here exactly. He doesn't have this class. 

He came and sat in the back a few seats over from me. I didn't look at him. I started doing my work. I miss the guy though. I don't talk to anyone anymore and it gets irritating just being by myself listening to my music.

I felt a paper ball hit me and I looked up to see Niall hinting to unfold it. So I did trying to make minimum noise.

Look so I'm not sorry. It's just me you're going to have to get over it. But I miss talking to you, you know? Like your company and stuff no homo. But can we just be back friends?

I scratched my hair through my beanie. I crumbled up the paper again and put it in my pocket.

I pulled out my phone and just text him to come to my house after school. I then pulled my phone away.


I heard the door bell ring but I wasn't going to get it. I'm for sure my mother was down stairs and capable of answering the door for me.

Next thing I know it was a knock at my door and I opened it. Niall came in and stood in the middle of me room.

"So what?" Niall said and I sat on my bed.

"Do you seriously not feel sorry? For all the girls you hurt?" I asked him.

"Maybe. But I don't want to talk about this." He said.

"That's the thing. I want you to feel guilty because what you do is wrong. Yes when I said we can be friends meant I'd except you with all your flaws because duh I get that, we sat here and at day old donut holes because they cost less, you came with me to get another tattoo, I got you out of doing your homework. That was fun. But sometimes when friends give advice its to usually help you." I said.

"So you're giving me an ultimatum? If I don't stop we won't be friends anymore?" He asked.

"I guess." I said.

"It's harder than it looks. I'm sex driven. What makes you think I can just stop." Niall said furrowing his eyebrows and crossing his arms.

"Well no cold turkey you know. Let it die down." I said.

"Why am I agreeing to this." I heard him mumble.

"You're really cool Zayn, and you for sure are very straight to the point but I don't know." He said.

"Well I really would like you to. I mean you're cool too and you made me realize so much stuff about me. Like how I love your company. Without you around its quite boring and I didn't think that before we met." I said.

"Fine Zayn." He said and sat on my bed.

I showed a small smile and say next to him on my bed then pulled him into a hug.

"I won't lie I did kinda just a tiny bit miss you." Niall said.

"Oh shut up you know you missed me." I said kissing his cheek.

He pulled away from me redder than a traffic like. "Ahh you most definitely missed me." I said.

"We're not starting this again. Keep your lips off of me."he said and I made kissy lips.

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