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*Zayn's POV*

"That's all you've been working on lately." Cher said.

"Well you've been with Queen or working and Marce has been either hitting up books or with William. It's my only thing that takes my mind off of how Niall haven't called me in two weeks. And mind you I go back in two weeks. I'll be like down the block not 5 thousand something miles away. If he chooses to ignore me then I'll really know it's intentional." I said and she threw her arm around my shoulder.

"Then I should stop nagging you. You've found something that preoccupied your mind. I should be happy for you even though I did want to go to the movies the other day when Queen was mad at me." She said.

"You user. I'm not going to be your rebound." I said and she laughed.

"Not like that. Friends go to the movies with each other though." She said.

"I know. I'm just kidding." I said and smiled as we walked.

"Come come." She said and began running towards food trucks.

You know I've been told now that there are food trucks everywhere. Including where I live. I guess I didn't get out enough.

"Can I have 2 chicken pizza cones?" I said.

"I thought Marcel was going to study for that test." She said.

"He is.  I'm just hungry." I said.

"My goodness Zayn. I could tell the increase on weight though. Muscle fat. So good weight." She said.

"I do like 50 push-ups a night. I was so bored when I got here I made it a daily routine. I don't know. It'll probably stop when I get back home... But then again not much would change. So never mind." I said.

"Zayn don't think about him now okay? So tell me about the building you drawing a blueprint for. I hope it's nothing extravagant." She said.

"It's not. But it'll have a nice view. A lot of square footage. 3.5 bathrooms. 5 rooms. 1 deck, a pool, a big front yard. It's going to be modern." I said.

"I'd actually really love living there." She said.

"Well it's a rent out place for like a group or something." I said.

"It's going to get rented out a whole lot." She said and I smiled getting my cones from the man.

"I hope it's good so I make money off of it though." I said.

"Me too. So you can pay for my flight to London with you." She said.

I laughed. "Yeah I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you more. People really don't like hanging out with the lesbian. But you did bring me closer to Marce and I didn't even think we'd be friends." She said.

"Yeah. Give people chances. I've learned. But don't fall for them. And everyone should be okay hanging out with you. You're cool as hell." I said and she nodded leaning against me as I began eating.

"Don't ever forget me. And call me all the time."she said.

"We're not saying goodbye now." I said smiling at her.

"I know it's just I hate goodbyes and stuff and when you will actually leave I probably wouldn't be able to get it out." She said and I nodded.

"I'll come visit here a lot. Now that I'm kind of cool with my dad. But if you could I would like for you to come out there too." I said.

"But think about it. There's nothing out there for me. My mom wouldn't let me stay at your house lesbo or not." She said and I laughed.

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