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*Zayn's POV*

"It should feel right. You know. It should feel good. I've had him after so long. But this is so crazy. It's so crazy and I don't know what to do." I said on FaceTime with Cher.

"To me that's weird. How everything sorted itself out in a day." She said and I sighed leaning on Marcel and he nodded.

"I know. I just went with things. I've always done that but this time it seemed wrong. This shouldn't have happened like this. I still think I should be mad at him really. It just makes me feel so weak and everything was so rushed." I said and my phone vibrated and I was a text from Niall saying to come over.

"So now what? You're going to tell him you can't do it? You're going to tell him you need to take a break?" She asked.

"I have to tell him what it is. I'm telling him that we need space and I know I just made things right but this isn't a movie. Things aren't kiss kiss make it better." I said sighing.

"We'll go tell him. He wants you to go over anyway." Marcy said turning my way.

"Yeah go tell him especially since it's been on your chest for 2 days." She said.

"Okay okay." I said. "I'll walk you back to Harry's. Unless you want to go with me. I kinda want privacy so if you do you'd have to stay downstairs." I said and he nodded.

"It's fine." He said and I stood up.

"I'll tell you how it goes okay Cher?" I said and she nodded.

"I love you guys. Talk to you later." She said.

"Love you too." Me and marcel said and then hung up.

I sighed putting on my shoes. I helped Marcel up and we left the house. I got to Niall's quickly and rung the doorbell.

He answered with a big smile. "Hey Zayn, Marcy." He said.

"Umm I have to talk to you Niall." I said and he nodded.

I walked in the house and marcel followed behind going to the couch and sitting down. I walked upstairs following Niall and he gave me a thumbs up.

I sighed sitting on his bed. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" He asked.

"You know the other day when we made up?" I asked him and he nodded sitting next to me on the bed.

"Don't you feel that everything was rushed? Everything was packed into one day. Hell of emotions were shared that day. Did you feel that everything was overwhelming?" I asked him.

"I mean yeah but don't you feel good about that? Don't you feel good that we did that." He said and I looked down.

"Niall that was so much to handle and how everything resolved itself was just messy and strange and I think we need a bit of a break from each other." I said and he looked at the side of my face.

"What do you mean a break Zayn? You were just gone for 3 months then we didn't even talk the week you came back. We just sorted stuff out two days ago. What's to even have a break from." He said.

"Niall that was so much, and stuff wasn't supposed to be fixed in that day. It was rushed just because all the different flow of emotions." I said.

"Zayn this isn't a movie, this isn't a book. This is real life and stuff like that happens." He said.

"You're right it's real. And the complicated this about life is it's confusing. And you do things to less complicate your life and right now I need a break. Nothing has ever been so complicating in my life that I've said I've had to take a break such as this one. We fought that day, you kissed me, I kissed you and we made up and lived happily ever after? No Niall. It shouldn't have went down like that." I said.

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