Week 3

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( skip week 2 )
Ariana's pov
I woke up to Toulouse licking my face.
" hey boy are you hungry?!?" I ask getting up.
Toulouse barked.
" I'll take that as a yes " I said giggling.
Toulouse was the best dog ever. He is so cute and coach asked Toulouse to model!!! I am so excited for that!!!
" let me take a shower then I'll get you some food" I said getting up.
" go downstairs and wait by your dog bowl please" I said opening the door for Toulouse. He then ran out the door, down the stairs and into the kitchen.
I took a shower put on my fresh pair of dance clothes and went downstairs.
" I am so happy that this is this is the last dance oh have to come up with!!!" I said grabbing an plum from the fridge.
" ya I can't wait to see your performance. Everyone has been talking about it on social media. There are going to be a bunch of youtubers and viners and other people watching you!!" Nash said.
" really?!! Wow. " I said in disbelief. I got Toulouse's dog food and put it in his bowl and he began eating it.
" ok I have to leave. The back up dancers are going to be there and I don't want to keep them waiting. " I said grabbing my bag kissing Toulouse good bye and walking out the door and into my car.
-At the studio, after the dance was made and all the dancers went home-
I said goodbye to one of the dancers that left late to help me with the final touches to the dance.
" ok I'll see you tomorrow and the next few days " she said waving goodbye.
" ok goodbye. " I said waving back.
I sat on the floor and put on some music. I mostly listened to rap or r&b , but I like other types of music too.  I was standing up and in Twitter and I started coughing a lot. I was still sick and it had gotten a bit worse but a bit better then before. I coughed for a minute straight then my back and head started hurting because of the forceful coughs. I feel on the floor and curled up into a little ball coughing a lot. Then I heard the door open and someone ran over to me but I was in to much pain to lift my head.
" Ari are you ok?? " Taylor said calmly.
" ya. I just am a bit sick that's all. " I said finally catching my breath and getting up.
" are you sure your ok?!" Taylor asked worried.
" I'm ok Tay. " I said looking him in the eye. 
" I came here to drive you back home" he said grabbing my bag.
" oh thanks. " I said following him out the studio and into his car.
" thanks for picking me up " I said looking at him.
" no problem grande. " he said.
" so what are the other boys doing. " I ask as we started heading home.
" there playing with Toulouse. " he said.
" oh I'm happy they like Toulouse and Toulouse likes them. " I said.
" ya Toulouse is the second most cutest thing I have ever seen in my life" he gushed.
" what the first most cutest thing you've ever seen ?!" I said questioning him.
" ... YOU..." He mumbled and I couldn't hear him.
" what I didn't hear you?!" I said.
" nothing. " he said looking at me.
" ok. But the most cutest thing I have ever seen is Toulouse" I said laughing.
" you have the most cutest laugh ever. " he said looking at me at the red light.
" Taylor it's a green light" I said waving my hand in his face. He was staring of into space.
Then I hear honking behind us and Taylor was still looking at me.
" WHAT?!? WHAT?!!" He said speeding off. we both laughed and then we came to the house.
I open the door and Toulouse came running into my arms.
" aww missed you so much Toulousie Lous " I babied Toulouse.
" hey Ari. How was practice" Cameron asked.
" they were good we got a lot of work done!!" I said going upstairs. I took a quick shower changed into pj's and went in my bed.
Hey babes did you like this chapter?!?!
Instagram: krisona1977
Twitter: krisona1977
Love you babes 😘 💕 🙌🏻
Please read my other books!!!! I will be a bit late on updating but I will update so stay active on here and look out for new chapters. I might have to sneakily write a few chapters during class because I hate not writing it's so fun!!! 😘

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