Meeting the others

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( I am at my sisters basketball game right now and it's kinda boring but I love basketball. I chose to write since I had nothing better to do😂)
Ariana's pov
" WAKE UP ARI !!" Kate screamed shaking me violently.

I rub my eyes realizing that I'm at the beach house sleeping on one of the beds.
" wait.. How did I get in this bed?! Who's bed is this ?!" I start panicking.
" we arrived at the beach house a few hours ago. Shawn carried you. "
" oh I'm going to take a shower and going to wear because I didn't even eat breakfast!!" I said getting out of bed.
" I picked out clothes for you!!" Kate sung and handed me a bunch of clothes.
" fine only because I love you. " I point out and run into the bathroom.
( outfit in the media picture thingy)
I get out of what I think is my room now because my suitcases were there.
I go down the stairs and see a guy that kinda looks like a model , a guy with the cutest smile , and a girl who I think is lele pons because she was the only there girl besides me and Kate, lastly a guy with braces.
" your finally awake !!" Cam said hugging me and I hug him back.
" I'm hungry " I said rubbing my eye for the 100th time today.
" twan made spaghetti.." Nash said winking at me.
I literally just barfed in my mouth.
" we have apple pie !!" Jack j said handing me a plate with a slice.
" this is a good breakfast " I said taking a bit.
I go and sit down the guy with the cute smile.
" hey my name is Jerome " Jerome said holding his hand out.
He had what seems to be a French accent.
" your French !!" I said shaking his hand.
" oui " he said smiling.
( for people that don't know what " oui " is , it means yes )
"i Speck un peu de français" I reply.
( i Speck un peu de français= I speck a bit of French )
" oh that's cool. " Jerome said suprised that I could speck French.
" hey my name is tez " the guy with the braces said to me and I reply with me name.
" I'm lele , and this is twan. " the girl and the boy that looked like a model said to me.
" I'm Ariana " I said smiling and continued to eat my pie while watching Spanish Channels.

" let's go down to the beach " twan request for all of us to do.
We all agree and head out the door.
" ari are we going to stay backstage at our concert or are we going to be in the audience !? " tez asked me.
" umm you guys are going to be in the audience but your going to be in the bodyguard line because there are a lot of fans of you guys and they could hurt you!!" I said giggling and everyone else giggled with me.
" your concert is going to be lit !!!" Carter said jumping up and down.
" I'm going to try and make it " I said laughing.
" the backup dancers are going to come the day before the concert and staying with us " I said getting excited because the last time I saw them was for wod.
We walked for a bit while we were sharing facts about ourselves.
" look at that waterfall. " Nash said and we all looked at the most breathtaking waterfall.
" that's so cool" tez screamed and his voice echoed.
" it is breathtaking " I whisper loud enough for only me to hear.
I take my flip flops off bad dip my toes in the water.
He sun shines on my skin and if felt amazing. I was joined by Kate and lele.
" the water is so warm. " lele said calmly.
" it sure is " I said listening to the water crash on the rocks.
Then I see Sammy run and jump of the cliff and into the water.
He was followed by cam , Nash , twan , and Jerome.
" do you guys want to jump off the cliff too ?!" Lele asked me and Kate and we both nod our heads.
We start climbing up the steep cliff.
" we can all jump hand in hand. Nash said he is taking photos of all of us for his YouTube channel. " lele said and we took each others hands.

We finally came to the top of the cliff and we were pretty high up.
" let's jump on the count of 3 " Kate said looking at me and lele.
" ok 1" I said.
" 2 " lele said.
" 3!!!" We all said in unison and jump of the cliff.
We hit the water and we all start laughing.
" THAT WAS AWESOME " I scream.
( I am continuing this chapter at cross country with my friends. I just ran and came in 42nd place!!! I'm proud of myself. )
" I know right !!" Lele screamed.
After a few minutes of jumping off the cliff and swimming it was time to go home. 
" hey I'm going to go to sleep !!" I said getting of the couch and out of cam's arms that were around my shoulder.
" ok"  cam said kissing my cheek.
I didn't know what me and Cameron were?!? Are we dating ?! He didn't even ask me to be his girlfriend.
I'm so confused!!!
I change in pjs and climb into my comfy bed and listened to the waves as I feel asleep...
Hey babes did you like this chapter?!?
Instagram: krisona1977
Twitter: krisona1977
Love you babes 😘💕🙌🏻
There were a bunch of locations that I wrote this chapter!!! I am not going to be posting as much because I am literally failing math !!! I hate math so much!!! If you read my tweets you know how much I hate math !!! And school in general!!!its a hard life and I have a shit ton of homework to do on the computer and my computer is getting fixed so I will be awake until 3:00 in the morning. Dm me on Twitter if you want !!! Keep me company!! I love making online friends but you better not catfish me😅

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