(1) Behind the Curtains

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Picture of Aimya (Ah- maya)/ What must I do by Kenny Lattimore

Chapter 1

- If you feel that the relationship you share with your spouse is becoming strained, you've likely been looking for broken marriage help. Unfortunately, even if we have the best intentions when we wed, things don't always go the way we plan. You may find that the dynamic between you and your spouse has shifted dramatically and you're left wondering whether the marriage can even be saved. - Unknown

"Chris?" I called out searching for my husband. I wanted to wow him with the dress I decided to wear for when we go out for dinner. I found him behind his desk doing work like always. When I knocked on his door he looked up, I expected him to look at me with lust and desire.

Oh, how wrong could I be.

"What the hell do you have on?" he looked at me with disgust in his eyes.

"You don't like it?" My palms instantly became sweaty.

"Why would I want my wife to look like a whore?" he said staring at me with his nose turned up.

"I-I-I thought you would like it... I don't see nothing wrong with it, Chris." I said.

"Well I guess that's the mindset you carry for yourself... you wear the dress all you want and look like a whore, but not on my arm. I will not be seen with you when you dress like that. So, if you want to get in my car and go to dinner with me I suggest you change and be ready in ten minutes. Chop chop, time is wasting. " Chris said harshly and coldly. After he said what he wanted off his chest he waved me off like an annoying fly.

Like always I turned around and walked to my closet as two stray tears fell from my eyes. I don't know why I'm even crying; I should be use to this by now.

I quickly put on a more conservative dress, this one I hoped Chris liked it, I saw Chris sitting on the couch arm and when he saw me he clapped loudly. "Aimya baby, I knew you had a brain. Now since you finally picked an appropriate dress can we go before we lose our dinner reservations?" He said sarcastically. I didn't say anything I just walked to the garage and waited for Chris to unlock his car.

As Chris drove I wanted to make conversation, so I asked Chris about his day, "It was great, I delivered another big investor to the company, and I think I really might be getting the CEO position soon." Chris said proudly.

"Oh, gosh baby! I'm so proud of you. I knew that all of your hard work would pay off." I said, I was so happy for husband. He's been working for BYO products since before he even graduated college. He started as an intern. He's a hardworking man and I couldn't be even more proud of him.

In in pulse I reached over and quickly kissed him on the lips making him laugh and I then I held his free hand, and this time he squeezed back. Oh, how I've had missed his laugh.

"Well, my day wasn't good like yours... it was actually bad. I had a patient to commit suicide last night, it was so sad because she was actually improving." I said sadly as I got emotional again think about my patient. I noticed Chris pulled his hand away from me. He sighed loudly.

"What's wrong?" I asked confused.

"You... you make this awkward when you talk about your dumb ass job. You know I couldn't care less about that job. You really thought your patient was going to pull through? Obviously, she was crazy or something I mean she had to come to you." Chris mumbled the last sentence.

"Are you really serious right now!? I'm sitting here telling you about my bad day and I'm making it awkward!? I'm your wife... the least you could've did you console me and pretended like you cared. I listen to you and your job but you can't listen to the one of the few times I bring work from home you can't even listen to me!? Wow." I said looking out the window.

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