(11) Ignoring Signs

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All the comments that were left in the last chapter make me feel special so thank you. ☺️

Please excuse any mistakes....

Never Enough by Trey Songz

You hurt me more than I deserve, how can you be so cruel? I love you more than you deserve, why am I such a fool? - Unknown

A week and half later...

Today of all days was supposed to be one of the happiest times for me because it was my wedding anniversary, it was supposed to be a remembrance of one of the "happiest" days of my life, but nothing about this day was happy. This day has been pure hell for me.

It's starred off with arguing with my "lovely" husband yelling at me as I was over a toilet throwing up my guts. Instead of helping me like a normal person who he got angrier because I didn't answer him. How can you answer someone while throwing up? Then two of my patients committed suicide, one of which was on live tv and when I raced to the building where he was at he decided to jump off the building and I saw it. To say I'm devastated is an understatement, I take it personally when one my patients commits suicide because it basically happened because I didn't do my job good enough. All I wanted was afterwards was a shoulder to cry on and a nice hug, but of course I didn't get it. So, when got home all wanted was bubble bath with a trash can nearby, but did get that of course not. Instead I got Chris in my face yelling.

"I can't believe that you took your name off our joint account. How can you be so selfish!?" He yelled in my face as I ate on some crackers to settle my stomach. As he was yelled at me I had my chest pain, dizzy, and blurry vision spell once again. It was literally the tenth time it happened today and I doubted that it would stop anytime soon. Since a week and half ago the chest pain, dizzy, and blurry vision has been happening at least fifteen times a day, but the vomiting is constantly. The vomiting has been so frequent that it burns when I throw up and I'm throwing up large amounts of blood, but I know it will eventually go away, but the question when eventually actually was unknown to me, but I didn't want to go the doctor.

"Why is your fat ass eating!?" Chris yelled slapping the only thing preventing from vomiting up blood.

"Chris leaving me the hell alone! I don't feel good, maybe if you shut the hell up you'd realize your arguing by yourself." I said my vision was going blurry again.

"All you do is eat! Can you do something else except eat and bitch and moan!?" He yelled.

"Okay, I'm big what else are you going to keep trying to throw in my face because the fat comments from you is getting old with me. If you're going to keep talking shît about me, please choose a different topic." I said grabbing another sleeve of crackers.

"How could you take your name off our joint account!?" He yelled as sat on the counter. I rubbed my temples.

"I told you what would happen if you took significant amount of money out our joint account without talking to me first. Not only did you take money out of out of the joint account you also took money out of my savings account that you never had access to. You stole from me again. Your track record isn't clean so let's not act like is." I said.

"Why do insist on bringing up the past!?" He moaned. His bîtching and moaning was getting on nerves. I don't feel good and his whining is about to drive me to a commit violent crime on him.

"Um, I don't know because you just brought the past back in the present. You act as if I have no reason to not to trust you. You have stolen money from me and the past and not in little amounts either so please spear my ears the bullshít, I'm sick so of them bleeding." I said nibbling on a cracker.

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