(18) Like Bullets

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Be careful with your words. Once they are sad they can only be forgiven, not forgotten. ~ Unknown

Nightstand/K. Michelle
Please excuse any mistakes... If this shit doesn't make sense I apologize.
Aimya's POV

"Hey, good morning babe." I said as Elijah sleepily made his way to the table. He came and leaned over to kiss me before going to his seat. I had made him breakfast before work, today I was speaking to my brothers and father today and I was feeling sick, so it was no point in eating when I was only going to throw it back up.

"Thank you, you're not eating?" He asked me.

"No, I'm not hungry." I said while he ate.

"This shit is good. What you got planned today?" Elijah asked me while eating. Yesterday I was told by doctor that I could walk on my leg, but I still had wear the boot cast for a couple more weeks and use the crutches when I need them.

"Um, I'm going to go see my brothers and father today. Other than that I have nothing else to do. I already rented my book for my classes from Amazon last night for the fall semester." I said and Elijah's whole facial expression changed.

"You sure about doing that today?" He asked me.

"I might as well, because there is only one way this will end. All three will pissed at Chris and also at me because they'll think I knew about it this whole time. The longer I keep putting this off the worse the responses I'm going to get back." I said knowing how this meeting would end.

"You want-"

"I already know what you're about say, and no. Go to work, I already know you got a thousand and one meetings today, plus I got put on my big girl pants and do this alone." I said sighing.

"It may turn out good. You never know." Elijah said and as much as I appreciate his optimistic attitude, but I couldn't help the little chuckle that came from my mouth.

"That's not going to happen, not even close to good. Disastrous, oh hell yes, but good, you can hang that up. Too much shit has already popped off for the outcome to turn out good, and this about money so yep nothing good can come from this." I said.

"What do mean something already popped off?" Elijah asked me in confusion and I forgot to tell him about Dontae and I having words.

"During the cookout Dontae and I had words, the reason it stems from bullshìt lies my mother told. Dontae a lot of the times jabs low and I normally don't say anything, but I said something back and it with south from there. There will no apologies said to each other trust me. As for Desmond, who knows what he'll say to be honest." I said sighing.

"What do you think you're father was is going say?" Elijah asked me rubbing circles on my hand.

"Something fucked up, but I'm preparing myself for it." I said feeling nervous.

"Just have positive thoughts walking in baby. What you're thinking may not happen." Elijah said.

"Okay." I said.

"Do I need to call the driver to come pick you up?" He asked me.

"Yes. I wanted to drive, but I don't have my car here." I said.

"Just take one of mine. Drive whatever you want." He said.

"You serious?"I asked him surprised.

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