♋Signless:I see you...♋

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(Just saying, I rly rly rly like the pic for this chapter so I'm not changing it mkay? Mkay.)

You were currently at the Vantas residents, Karkat screaming in your face because he spilt his coffee all over himself and instead of helping you muttered a small "mmmh whatcha sayyyy...." He had been yelling at you for... You glance at the clock, 10 minutes, he had been yelling at you for ten minutes now. Kankri pops up next to you again out of no where.

Can he teleport?

Kankri frowns at Karkat's language and begins lecturing him. You are now caught in the middle of a Vantas argument. You cover your ears trying to block them out until a deep strong voice silences the two trolls.
Kankri and Karkat shut up instantly as Signless approches them. He smiles softly and puts a hand on each of their shoulders. "There is no need for such bitter actions, please calmly explain what happened."
You can't help but smile at the gentleness of his voice.
Kankri explains first, "Karkat was using triggering language again..." He mutters. Signless nods and looks at Karkat. "I SPILT COFFEE AND STARTED TAKING MY ANGER OUT ON (Y/N)..."
It's only then Signless realizes your there, he seems a little bit shocked. Then again, he has never properly seen you before, you'd never even spoke to each other.
You could see all the details of his face, his shimmering red eyes, his well sculpted jaw, the hair on that same jaw that was somewhere between a beard and stubble, his fluffy hair and that heavy blush on his cheeks as you both had a weird staring contest.

Kankri was the one to brake you both out of your trance. "Um, y9u 69th seem rather '6usy' s9 I'll just leave y9u tw9 al9ne." He says politely and drags Karkat away with him.

Before Signless can abscond you hold out your hand to him. "Uh, hey, we never really met properly, I'm (y/n)." You smile and he stutters a small "i-i'm si-signless...." He then places a small kiss on your hand making you blush. He quickly makes an excuse to leave and runs off somewhere leaving you to giggle in your spot.

timeskip brought to you by the vantastic vantASS

You've become quite close with Signless, he's no longer shy around you and actually invites you over a lot. Karkat once made a joke about you being flushed for him, but to his horror you admitted to him you actually were.

Today was no different, except Karkat had finally trusted you enough to invite you to a sleep over. You're wondering around the halls, looking for the guest hive-room-thing. You slowly peek in one room, it's full of whistles, turtlenecks and... Um.... There's a ball gag on the floor. WRONG ROOM.

The next room has movie posters everywhere, a few video game magazines and other Kinds of magazines and what you assume to be a vibrator... Um... Moving on...

You open the door and there before you is a NORMAL CLEAN ROOM. YAY! Karkat had even put a bed in there, so kind.
You place your bags down by the bed when you hear a noise in the room next door, it sounds like... Moaning? You tip toe to the voice and peer in, there before you is a nude Signless, leaning on the wall, moaning.
You feel wrong for watching, BUT YOU CAN'T LOOK AWAY.
Suddenly you hear him muster a small "(y/n)..." And out of instinct you mutter "Signless..."
He spins around.
(Author-Chan! )
"U-um... (Y/n)?"
You walk up to him and smirk, "I never knew you liked me that way," you purr as he tries to make words, and fails. "Its a good thing I like you back..." You say smoothly, stripping yourself.
You press against his chest and bring him into a kiss which he happily returns. You feel his bulge wrap around your thigh and graze your entrance, he's huge! he pulled away and held your face in his hands. "Do you realize what your getting yourself into?" He asks softly, you nod and pull him into another kiss.
He lifts you up and places you on his desk as his bulge squirms its way into your entrance. You let out a small whimper and he waits until your ready. You tell him to start and he thrusts at a steady pace, giving you loving kisses and telling you how red he is for you. Threw out this time you moan many things but one caught his attention.
"O-oh Jegus~" you say threw pants. Signless grips your hips and his movements become move violent and needy, making the desk rock back and forth as you scream his name over and over.

The tension builds up in your stomach and suddenly disappeares as you orgasm, but Signless keeps going, biting your skin as you claw at him. You build up another orgasm and as you release again he carries on, this happens at least two more times until he finally reaches his end and pulls out. You lay there, tired and slightly saw.
Signless chuckles and softly picks you up, "sorry, I got a bit carried away there didn't I?" He apologizes and carries you to the spare bed, tucking you in.

"Can you sleep with me?" You ask and he smiles and snuggles in the covers with you, you kiss him on the forehead and whisper "red for you.." As you drift of to sleep you hear Signless reply "red for you too (y/n)."

The next morning you were greeted by a heavily triggered kankri rocking back and forth and a discussed Karkat who simply said "YOU ARE NEVER SLEEPING OVER AGAIN."

And this is based off my headcannon; yelling Jegus while pailing Signless equals numb legs!
Idk why I did this but here you go. (  ̄ ³ ̄)ノ゙

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