No One Is Perfect

216 20 12

Hoseoks P.O.V

I've been in the hospital for a few days.. It wasn't fun but Tae was next to me the whole time so it didn't feel that bad.

I'm supposed to leave today but I'm waiting for the doctor to check me up.

The door opened and it was Tae.

"Hi sweetie!" He greeted me and kissed me.

"Hey" I said and kissed him back.

"Ready to go home?" He asked and sat next to me.

"Yeah.. But I have to wait for the doctor to check me up."

"Okay." He said and took my hand.

After a while the doctor came and said I'm good to go.

"Well let's go then!" Tae said and grabbed my hand.

We went out and Tae asked what did I want to do today.

"I just wanna go home.." I said and looked Tae.

He looked a little disappointed..

"Hey, I promise I'll be with you later today. It's only 11 am." I said and hugged him.

He smiled and hugged me back.

"Okay!" He said and kissed me.

He walked me home and at my front door he gave me a long kiss and then left.

I went in and I saw my mom. She didn't look happy.

"Mom?" I said and went next to her.

"Hoseok.." She said but then she burst into tears.

"Mom?! What's wrong?"

"Your dad.. He is.."

She didn't need to say anything anymore. I figured it out myself.

My dad is dead.

Mom cried and cried. After a while she calmed down.

"How did he die?" I asked as I stared a wall in front of me.

"He had a heart attack." She said tears in her eyes.

I couldn't handle it anymore and I stood up and ran into my room.

Taehyungs P.O.V

When I got back home, mom had already left to work.

I'm so glad that Hobi is better now. That's why I can't tell him that I dated someone else..

And I regret that. How could I have done that.

I got to tell him about that. I hope that he can forgive me someday.

I texted to Hobi.

"Hey sweetie! Can you see me soon? I have to tell you something. Love you!"

I waited a for a while and then he answered.

"Hey, sure.. I need to tell you something too.."

That didn't sound normal Hobi.

"Meet me at 6 pm in front of the park." I texted back.

There were no answer but I guess he saw my last text.

Hoseoks P.O.V

6 pm

What was so important that he wants to see me..

I arrived to the park and he was already there.

But with someone else.

And they kissed.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" I yelled to Taehyung and he finally noticed me.

"Hobi!! This isn't what you saw! Let me explain!!" He yelled and started running towards me.

I started running away from my true love.

"Hobi wait!!" Tae yelled at me but I didn't stop. I just kept running and running.

And I never looked back.

Taehyungs P.O.V

What have I done?!

"Tae?" Jin said to me.

"Stop!! Don't touch me!! You ruined everything!! Get the hell out of my life!" I yelled to him and ran away.

I need to find Hobi.

At first I went to his home. I rang the doorbell and his mom came to the door.


"Hey.. Is Hoseok home?"

"No he isn't.. Do you know where he is?"

"No, I don't.. That's why I came here."

"Ohmy.. Well come in. I have to tell you something."

I stepped in and followed her to the couch.

She took my hands into her hands and looked me into my eyes.

"I don't know how to say this to you.. This is probably the reason why Hoseok is missing now.."


"Hoseoks father died yesterday night.."

Oh my god!! This and me cheating on him.. I hate myself.

I couldn't say anything. I just hugged Hobis mom and calmed her down.

I have to find Hobi. He can't do anything to himself.

"I'll go and find him. You rest here and wait him." I said to her and stood up.

As soon as I stood up, the door opened.

It was Hobi.

"Hobi.." I said but he gave me an angry look.

Then he yelled.


He came closer and said the most horrible things to me.

"I hate you. I never want to see you again. Get out of my house." He said and took my hand.

Then he pushed me out of his life.

Okay.. It's official now. I suck. This sucks. I don't know how to write anymore. But I have been so busy and I have been tired after my school... Please forgive meeee!! I'm trying so hard..

I know this chapter sucks.. And the previous ones..

Please comment and vote! Thanks for reading this! Love ya! ❤️

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