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Hoseoks P.O.V

The sun came through my drapes. It was warm morning.

I opened my eyes and turned around.

Tae was still sleeping. His hand was over my waist.

He looked so peaceful. His puffy cheeks were cute.

But under his eyes were dark bags. He must have been thinking me when we broke up. At least I think.



He opened his eyes and looked into mine.

"How long have you been watching me?" He said with sleepy voice.

"Not long. But I would watch longer because you look so cute when you sleep." I said and kissed his lips.

He kissed me back.

"Your kisses taste and feel so good" he said and broke the kiss.

"Oh yeah? Wanna have some breakfast?" I asked and stood up.

"Of course! Can you make something for me?" He asked.

"Why? Give me one good reason."

"Because I'm your boyfriend."

"Not proper reason enough."

"Because you love me and I love you."

I just looked him with the grin on my face.

"Oh camooon Hobi!! Pleaseeee!!! I love youuuu!" He said to me with his puppy face.

"Oh fine, I'll make you something." I said and walked to the door.

Suddenly Tae grabbed me from my waist and turned me around facing him.

"Thank you" he said and kissed me on my lips and moving on my collarbone.

"Hey, as much as I love this but we have to eat something.." I said and grabbed Tae from his waist.

I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and went to downstairs.

When I arrived to the kitchen Tae behind me, I took a frying pan and some eggs.

I also took sausages and fried them too.

"Mmmmm.. Smells so good!" Tae said and kissed my neck.

"I don't know about the taste though.."

"I bet it's tasty."

When I was ready, we sat on the table and started eating.

After one mouthful of eggs and sausages his face brightened.

"Woooaaahhhh!! So tasty!!" He said and ate some more.

"Well good if it is." I said and smiled to his enthusiasm.

Taehyungs P.O.V

The food was so good! How Hobi can make such a good tasting food.

"When did your parents come home again?"

"Tonight." He answered and ate his last sausage.

"Oh okay. What shall we do today?"

"Wanna go to see a movie?" Hobi asked and went to put his dishes on the dishwasher.

"Yeah sure! What kind of movie?"

"Horror?" He suggested.

"But you hate horror movies.."

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