Sooner or later

376 32 9

Hoseoks P.O.V

~That evening~

I can't believe what just happend!! He kissed me! On the cheek but still, he kissed me!

Aargh!! I'm so exited!

Then I remembered what I did in the basketball court.

STUPIDSTUPIDSTUPID!! Why did you lean on him?! Now he is probably traumatised..

I finally got home and I was so tired. "Dad! I'm home!" No answer.

I went to check his bedroom and he was sleeping. I guess I have to go to sleep too.

I went to my bedroom and took all of my clothes off except my underwear. My bed was hard as a rock.

But when I thought Taehyung, it was coming more softer and I drifted to sleep he on my mind.


*piip piip**piip piip*
I woke up to the annoying sound in my room. It was 7 am. My alarm was waking me up.

"Please, just five more minutes" I growled.


"Umhf" I don't wanna..

Finally I got up from my bed and I went straight to the shower.

"AAAAAHHHHH!! SO HOT!!!!" I screamd. I turned the shower so cold so I could wake up properly.

I got out from the shower and went to the mirror. I dryed my hair and brushed my teeth.

Then I went to my wardrobe and I chose black underwear, blacks skinny jeans, neon green t-shirt and black socks.

Then I went to the downstairs.

"Mom? Where are you?" No answer.


Still nothing.



I checked the kitchen and there was a note.

"Hoseok honey, me and your dad went out for dinner and then to a hotel. It is our 7 year anniversary. We will be gone two days. I left some money to you, for food. We love you!
Mom and dad."

Yas!! Two days alone. I can do whatever I want.

Oh shit! I'm late for my school!

I ran to put my shoes on, grabbed my backbag and straight out of the door.

Taehyungs P.O.V

~~ At School ~~

I waited Hoseok at the bench. He was late and so was I.

He has texted me that he is going to be late and I had just arrived to the school but I decided to wait him.

We have first class together so no harm done.

He finally made it to the school and he ran towards me.

"Hey, why aren't you in class?"

"I wanted to wait you." I blushed a little when I said that.

"Awws. How cute" he smiled to me and poked my cheek.


He looked me with his brown puppy eyes and said "Yeah?"

"I'm so sorry what happend yesterday!! Can you please forgive me?"

He didn't say anything. He just looked me.

"Please Hobi. Say something"

Hobi. That was new to me. Taehyung, you ruined everything. Again.

I looked down.

"Of course I forgive you TaeTae! I wasn't even mad! It was cute actually."

When I looked back up, he had a wide smile on his face.

"Now let's go to our class. We are already super late." He added.

"Yes." I said and smiled whole way to our class door. I'm so happy.

Hoseoks P.O.V

We sat next to each other in class. I can feel the sparks between us.

I guess I have a crush on him.

I'm glad that we sit in the back corner of the class so no one pays attention on us.

We have math class and I'm so stupid. I don't know any of these math problems...

I looked for my side and Taehyung seemed to get it..

"Hey, can you help me?" I whispered to him.

"Yeah, sure. Where do you need help?" He asked me quietly.

"In everething"

He laughed silently. Cute.

When he explained these things to me, I got them much better from him than from the teacher.

"Thank you TaeTae" I smiled to him.

"No problem" he smiled his wide smile back to me.

~~~ After school ~~~

Taehyungs P.O.V

Wheeeew. That was long day. But it felt much more shorter with Hoseok and Jimin.

Hoseok walked me home again and this time we even talked a lot more.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Anything you want."

"Why do you call me TaeTae?"

"I don't know. It just came in my mind when I thought you. You don't like that name?"

"Nono, nothing like that. It just sounds nice" I smiled to him.

I just wanted to hug him so bad.

I started to look his body and now I pay attention for his clothing.

"Well, at least everyone sees you when you get lost" I said to him, grin on my face.

He looked a little confused until he realised what was I talking.

"Yeah.. That was my point." He joked.

"It looks nice on you." I said to him and touched his shirt.

I couldn't help myself. It just went there.

"Thank you TaeTae! I appreciate that." He smiled his wide smile to me again.

"Well. We are here." I said after a while.

"Umm, can we see later today?" He asked shyly.

"Of course we can! What time?"

"Is 5 pm okay?"

"Sure" At this time I smiled so widely that it kind of hurted.

"Good. Then I pick you up from here at 5 pm."

He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.

I know this was our second hug, but his hugs felt so good that I didn't want to let go.

We broke the hug and he started walking to his house. He turned towards me and wawed. I smiled and wawed back.

I'm dreaming right now. I can say that I have a huge crush on him. I've only met him yesterday.

How could this happen. Is it love at first sight?
Whew. This was hard chapter. I didn't know what to write. I hope this isn't too messy. I tried my best. I know this chapter is a bit boring but I don't want to move too fast. Next chapter will be more interesting. At least I try to make it. Please comment and vote if you liked it! Thanks for reading!! Love you all!!

Touch My Body (BoyxBoy)[VHope]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt