The next day was sunnier than the last. Puffy white clouds floated through the sky. Hunter Pierce, along with hundreds of other students, filed into her class. The room was cheery and bright. Kaycee stood in the back, chatting with Macey, another girl on the soccer team. Aria stood on the far wall, arguing with her on-and-off boyfriend, Alec. Aria's eyes narrowed and Alec gave her a 'duh' kind of look. Hunter took a seat. Brooke was already catching up on the reading. Her hair was held up in a fancy French braid.
The bell let out three long chimes. Everyone flooded to their seats. Aria shot Alec a glare and Kaycee rehearsed her footwork under the desk. Hunter kept occasionally glancing over at Brooke who seemed like the perfect edition to their clique. Hunter tore a piece of paper out of her notebook. She wrote down a note asking if Brooke wanted to come to their sleepover on Friday." Brooke looked to the side and grabbed the note from Hunter. She gingerly unfolded the note and looked back at Hunter. Brooke smiled and nodded excitedly.
During Aria's free period she lingered in the library. The majority of the computers were taken by students working on homework. She spotted Alec walking her way. He wore an annoyed expression. Aria nestled her face into her English book. When Alec arrived he took a seat next to Aria.
"Aria, it was one kiss." Alec pulled the book below Aria's light brown eyes.
"But you still kissed her. And it doesn't even matter because I'm moving to California." Aria explained.
Alec's eyes widened and his mouth formed an o. "What? When? You never told me about this."
Aria shrugged. "Next month. I didn't think you'd care after what happened with Nina."
"I'm sorry about Nina. And you can't just stay with, like, Hunter or something?" Aria could tell that Alec was drawing attention. A few students had spun their chairs around just to watch.
Aria finally said, "Well, I could stay, but-"
Alec sat up straighter. "You can? Stay with me. We have a whole extra guest house. You could even have your friends over. Please, Aria?"
Aria sighed, "But after what happened with Nina..."
"I promise. It will never happen again." Alec pleaded.
Aria scoffed, "That's exactly what you said after you made-out with Sienna under the bleachers."
Alec took hold of Aria's hand. His eyes were like emeralds and his hair was dark and styled perfectly. She closed her eyes and regretted what she was about to say. "I will ask my parents."
Hunter stopped by her locker at her free period, which happened to be right after Aria's. She spun the lock and pulled open the door just as a paper fell to the ground. Hunter bent down to pick it up but stopped short. It was a permission slip for the field trip to the statue of liberty. Hunter yanked it from the floor, slammed her locker, and dashed to the office. Hunter turned the corner, flicking the blonde hair off of her shoulder. Just as she got to the office door, she froze.
There, standing next to the counter, was Blake, right next to his dad. Hunter's soon-to-be step-family. She ducked below the window. Didn't Blake say he wouldn't be in school for another month? Hunter's palms grew sweaty. She spotted her reflection in the glass door. Her sleek blonde hair cascaded down her back. She wore skin tight jeans and four inch heels. Hunter was surprised by how attractive she looked. When Hunter stood up, Peter caught her glance. It was too late to run.
Hunter slowly pushed open the door and stepped inside. Blake smiled and ran his hand through his hair. Hunter wasn't sure whether to smile or not. She adjusted her weight and pressed her lips into a straight line.
Peter was the first to speak. "How are you, Hunter? I didn't get a chance to see you this morning, you seemed to be in a hurry. You've met my son, Blake, right?"
Hunter reluctantly nodded. Blake gave her a half smile. The principal appeared behind the counter. She gestured Peter to come to the back. Blake took a seat, so Hunter figured she should too. The rest of the office was completely empty.
"Are you OK?" Blake started.
Hunter lightly shook her head. "Not really."
Blake leaned in a little closer, allowing Hunter to smell his spicy scent. "Look, we're not even related."
Hunter squeezed the bridge of her nose and shut her eyes. "Blake, we live in the same house. It's just not right."
Peter came back out next to the principal who was dressed in a form fitted suit and shiny black loafers.
Hunter shut her mouth quickly. She turned in her paper and scurried off, without saying goodbye.
Just around that time, Kaycee found Taylor out on the field. He had on a black t-shirt and neon yellow Nike's. A nice breeze blew across her face. Taylor was huddled up with his soccer team that got together at their free period. Kaycee got hold of Taylor's arm and pulled him off to the side. He gave her a puzzled look.
Kacycee rolled her ankle on the grass. "Can you please practice with me?"
Taylor shook his head, "Is soccer all you can think about?"
Kaycee opened her mouth but had trouble speaking. "What? I just want a spot on the team this year. I need a scholarship."
"Have you even thought about Homecoming or the fundraiser thing at the college?" Taylor questioned.
"Why would you care about that? What do you think I'm asking? I just need some good competition to train." Kaycee explained.
Taylor sighed, "Fine. But after you make the team could you please relax?"
Kaycee shrugged. "I make no promises."