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I wake up the next morning to here bickering coming from downstairs. I go down and see that everyone, including the kids, are already awake.
"Emmie, why aren't you wearing your ring?" Alec asks.
"Why does it matter?" Emily asks.
"Because it's our engagement ring, maybe?"
"I don't want to wear it for a few days."
"If you don't have to, why do I?" She asks, and everyone is now obviously listening as Emily chops up things for her salad.
"Because you're the girl. That's how it works."
"That's sexist."
"That's not what I meant, and you know it."
"Look, if you can go do whatever you want and people don't know you're engaged, then I can, too."
"Why don't we go get me a ring then?"
"What, like a wedding ring?"
"Why not?"
"Because we aren't married."
"We will be. And we can get a new one when we are actually married."
"Why don't you go back home for a little bit, okay? I need some alone time. I'll call you later when I make up my mind about the ring."
"Alright. Okay. Whatever. I'll see you later."
"Oookay." She says sarcasticly.
He leaves, we hear his car start, and Emily suddenly gets really happy and runs over to the couch we were sitting on, pretending not to listen.
"You think he's really mad at me, don't you?" She asks happily.
"Why is that a good thing?" Spencer asks.
"Because, I've decided to get him a ring made so our rings fit together, so that when we hold hands they look like a heart, plus, I moved the wedding up. It's going to be in June!"
"Emily, that's 2 months away, how are you going to pull that off?"
"Well I've got the venue and decorations covered, and all I need to do is the food, dress, and tell Alec, of course."
"Oh my Lord. What about what happened last night?" I ask.
"That made me even more motivated. If he would have had a ring on his finger, he wouldn't have gotten taken advantage of, most likely."
"I guess that's true." EZRA says.
Everyone is looking at us like we're crazy, because they weren't there last night.
"Alec had a one-time fling with a girl." Emily explains.
"What is a fling?" Hanna asks.
"He kissed another girl, and Aria caught him. It really wasn't as big a deal as it seems."
They all nod there heads, even though I can tell they don't like him as much anymore.
"Why do you want to do this?" Ali asks.
"Because, when you think about it, I don't have much time left to start a family, so I need to get married, not waist any time."
"Ok, for one, you are not even 26 yet, for two, don't rush into anything, and for three, you need to go get the rings and TELL HIM." I almost yell.
"I'm going to get it right now, then he'll come over and I'll tell him."
"Promise?" I ask.
She leaves, and comes back in 10 minutes. Shortly after, Alec arrives and looks awfully confused. Emily has him sit down before they start talking.
"What's going on? I thought you were upset with me?"
"Well, not exactly. Actually, not at all, I'm not mad, I have a huge surprise for you."
She beams.
"Okay, well what is it?"
"I went to the ring store today."
"Did you get my ring?"
"Yes, and I got mine, too. I got our wedding rings. And all three, my engagement ring, wedding ring, and your wedding ring all make a heart when he intertwine our fingers."
"That's amazing! But Emmie, the wedding is still awhile away."
"That's the other surprise. I moved the wedding up."
"What? To when?"
"June 20th."
"What? That's in like 2 months!"
"I know." Emily says softly. "Are you okay with that?"
"Of course! Emmie I'm so excited! By Christmas we will be married and moved into another house!" He says that very loud, and the entire room goes silent.
"What did I do?" He asks.
"I'm not moving." Emily says.
"What? When you get married, you move out, right?"
"Not with us. We all work together from home, take care of the kids, and we all put the time and money into building this house. We all have our own private level, and they are our homes. Completely private, and we have locks so it's like your own house. But we stay together. No matter how many kids, husbands, nothing matters. We stay here, that's why it's 11,000 square feet. There is plenty of room!" Spencer says very enthusiastically. We all start laughing at Spencer but hen get quiet.
"But really, Alec, I'm not leaving."
"That's fine, I'm sorry, I just wasn't aware of the situation."
"But you are know. And I'm hungry. Let's go eat." Spencer says. Gosh, she's funny pregnant. Wow, 2 months isn't a whole lot of time. But I know Emily will be able to pull it off. Untill next time, tata.
Thank you SO much for reading! Comment what you think will happen for a S/O! :D

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