The project

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Great another day another day of this shitty school. I guess I can't complain. After all it is only one more day and then we get 6 weeks off. The only bad thing about it is that we get given homework for the time we have off. I honestly don't really mind it because it's always work that I'm good at. I can't wait for 6 weeks off. 6 weeks full of alcohol, drugs and sex. Sounds perfect right? That's because it is. The best thing about it all is that my parents don't even care. They let me do whatever the hell I want. So I'm not actually doing anything wrong. If I was my parents would say.

"Hey Laur". Dinah screamed running in my bedroom. Wait... how the hell did she get in.

"No offense or nothing Dinah. You know I love you and love you in my house, but how the fuck did you get in?"

"Chris let me in."Typical. I swear Chris would let a robber in our house. Infact, he would probably help them look for any expensives.

"Of course he did. Anyway, are we meeting Vero?"

"Yep, we're meeting them all at art."I picked up my car keys and made my way to the car.


"Duh!" Why did I even have to ask her that. I couldn't help but giggle at her answer.

"Oh and Laur, Ally and Troy has broken up and Normani and Alexa are arguing."

"Great. More fucking drama. I mean it wouldn't exactly be a normal day if there wasn't any."

School was only about 15 minutes from where I live so it wasn't too bad. I always take the back way to school so I avoid any traffic and shit cunt people who throw shit out of their windows.

"So Lauren, when are you going to make your move on this mystery girl that you like."

Damn, I thought she would've forgot about that. I mean, she was drunk when I told her.

"I don't like her Dinah. All I said was that she was cute. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less."

"I honestly have no idea who you're trying to convince but I'll pretend that I believe you." We was at school so I parked at our usual parking spot.

"Oh and Laur, people do fall in love. They do have crushes. That's what humans do. They develop feelings for one another. Just don't fight it. For all you know this girl could be the one you marry in a few years time."

Marry? Who the hell does she think I am?

"You have got a wild imagination I'll give you that. And I don't get how I can 'develop feelings' for someone I haven't even spoke to."

I wasn't lying. We never actually spoke. We're two completely different people from completely different worlds. Anyway, she wouldn't want to know someone like me.We arrived at school where we greeted our friends. Dinah whispered in my ear.

"Well I suggest when you see her you go and introduce yourself to her and see how it goes."

Dinah is the only one that knows that I have a crush on someone. The only reason she knows is because she is one of the only people from the group that I actually trust with stiff like this.

"Fine, the next time I see her I'll walk up to her and say "Hey I'm Lau----"   Someone bumped right into my side knocking my bag of my shoulders. Fucking piece of shit who the hell do they think they are the fuc... Camila. Camila Cabello.

"I'm I'm s-so sorry. I didn't mean to." She stuttered. Damn, why was she so cute?  Yes I have a crush on Camila. I have for about 2 years now. I know what you're thinking, the typical romantic story. 2 people from completely different backgrounds meet and fall in love. Yeah, well that won't happen. I mean, I wouldn't mind if it did, but it never would for many different reasons.

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