I think I'm in love

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Lauren's P.O.V

What the hell happened last night? Where am I? Why does it smell so bad in here? Who the fuck is this girl laying naked next to me?
Think Lauren, What happened last night!

All I remember it saying hi to Vero and Luis and then dancing while smoking and drinking. I don't remember meeting this girl, let alone sleeping with her. Don't get me wrong I love sex, but only when I can remember it. I don't care who it's with or where it is as long as I can remember every small detail about it.

I recognise the room to be Vero's parents room, so I know I'm going to get my butt kicked by Vero when she finds out. And I'm most likely going to get my butt kicked from this girl when I ask who she is and what happened. Apart from not remembering a lot, the parts that I do remember were epic. There was so much drugs and alcohol. I think I got about 20 people's numbers and made out with at least 12 of them. I even remember grinding on a few of them. Am I ashamed? Not at all.

My mum will be though, she will have a big lecture about how it's not save and I could catch God knows what.
I don't really know what the big deal is. I mean, I work hard at school, get A's and B's and I'm a nice person. I'm not a bully, I don't go out of my way to course someone trouble. I would never do that. So in all fairness, I fell like my parents should be proud to have a daughter like me. I mean, I'm me. Who wouldn't want me? Oh that's right Camila.

I felt the body next to me shift, so I turned around and saw her looking directly at me. I'm not going to lie she is extremely attractive, but she isn't my type. She has blonde hair, blue eyes and is extremely pale. Her being pale is probably just from her hang over. But, she still isn't my type. My type is chestnut brown hair with brown eyes and, well, and Camila. She's my type, she's all I ever want.

"So I don't get a goodmorning beautiful, or you were incredible last night?" She asked with a smirk appearing on her face.

"Erm, I'm sorry, goodmorning and I would say you were incredible and you probably were, but I don't remember it. I'm sorry." I'm sure that the guilt was evidence in my face. I did feel bad and I didn't want her to think bad of me because she is probably a really nice girl.

"You know what fuck yourself, you're a piece of shit Jauregui." I take back what I said about her being a nice girl. Fucking bitch.

"Hey don't start with me. I was drunk and high last night. I have no control over my actions and I am truly sorry for it, but it shouldn't have happened"

"I'm sorry too. It's not your fault that you can't remember and why shouldn't it have happened?"

"It's complicated."

"You like someone, right?"

"Yeah, and I've been assigned to do a project with her and it's just really complicated."

"Why is it complicated?" She asked

"Because she's so beautiful, on the inside and out. I also think I love her."

"I get that love it complicated and everything, but I still don't understand why it's complicated in your case."

"Well, she doesn't know I'm a lesbian. No one does. Well maybe some people do know now because you are the first girl I've ever hooked up with. But I mean, my friends are very judgmental and I know they will judge me if I tell them I'm attracted to girls as well. Plus even if I did tell Camila that I like her,I'll have to hide her in the dark because I'm not brave enough for people to know."

"Just go for it."
Who does she think she's talking to. Obviously I've tried 'Just going for it',but I end up running away like a little girl scared by a clown.

"Don't you think I've tried that?" I asked.

"Listen, I don't mean just come straight out and say it. What I'm saying it make hints to your family and friends. Even if it's someone like complimenting a girl's looks or something as simple as that. And well for this Camila girl, compliment her every second you get. Call her beautiful. Look at her and if she looks at you don't look away, just look down to her lips. Try making a move, even if it's placing your hand on her thigh or kissing her on the cheek. It will work trust me."

"How can you be so sure."

"Because that's how I came out and that's how I got the girl I liked. So now you go and get your girl."

With that said I got out of bed, put my clothes on and got in my car.
I'm going to make Camila love me the way that I love her.

Writers note.

Sorry if there is any mistakes and I haven't checked it because I'm busy with my exam busters and everything. Any I hope you like this chapter. If you would like to ask me a question fell free to ask me on Ask.fm or Twitter - @jaureguihippy

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