Let me know you

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Lauren's P.O.V

"So yeah this is the last stop. Also know as my bedroom." I say and Camila giggles. I will never get tired of hearing that giggle. I still can't believe that my crush is finally in my house and we're about to go into my bedroom. I'm also very thankful that my family actually were out because I know that they would give me and Camila 21 questions and I'm not prepared for that. 

I open my bedroom door and step inside. I look behind me and see her taking everything that is in my room in. I see her lips curve into a smile as she looks at my Lana poster on my wall. Her eyes look away from the poster and look into mine.

"Erm, I'll set the camera up. Make yourself at home. I'll be a few minutes." I said breaking the silence.

"Okay, you have a really nice room Lauren."

"Thank you Camila."

After about 2 minutes of setting the camera up and putting it on my desk so it could get me and Camila into the frame and pressing the record button, I sat on the bed next to her.

"So, should we start?" I ask.

"Sure." She nods her head.

"How about we do 5 facts about ourselves?" I suggests. She nods her head. "Alright do you want to go first?"

"Okay" she says. "When I was 13 I brought Justin Bieber tickets from this guy. He told me that the seats were right at the front and I believe him. But I get the tickets and they were literally right at the back. Like right, right at the back and at the very top. So, I couldn't see anything apart from like a 6 ft man jumping and screaming. And the man apparently forgot to mention that the tickets were illegal." I couldn't contain my laughter and my voice echoed through my room. "Shut up It's not funny! I was so excited thinking that I was going to be cm's apart from him."

"Alright I'm sorry." I say still laughing. "I understand how annoyed you must have been. I would've kicked the guy's ass if I was you."

"Let's get this clear. I was extremely ready to kick some butt. But then I remembered that I was only 13 years of age. So I don't really think that my kung-Fu skills would've worked on this 30 year old man." She's such a cutie.

"Good point"

"Alright, now the second fact about me. I have a little sister called Sofia but everyone calls her Sofi. She's the most precious person In my life." I couldn't contain the wide smile that was spread across my face as she spoke about her sister in such adoration. "My first boyfriend was actually my Father's Boss's son. I met him when I had to stay for dinner with my parents and their boss. We were together for a year until his family moved away and we decided to just be friends." So, does this mean that she's single or? "Also when I'm older I want to get a bow on my little toe, because you may or may not know but I love bows." We bother giggled at her statement. " The last fact about me is when I'm older I'll love to live in Italy and have a family of my own with a job that I love and a Wife or Husband."

Woah, back up a minute. Wife or husband!!!!! Do I stand a chance?!!!

"Wife?" I ask curious.

"Yeah. I mean I don't think I'm bisexual or anything, but that doesn't mean that it will always be that way. If I happen to meet someone who is the same gender as me and I happen to develop feelings for them, then I wouldn't be ashamed. I won't even call myself bisexual in all honesty."

"I know what you mean. What's the point on putting a label on love. Love is love no matter who it's with and I think the reason why so many people are scared of their sexuality is because of this thing called labels."

"Labels are so overrated in my opinion." She spoke with so much passion. How could anyone actually dislike her? Our eyes connected and we stayed like that for god know how long. I heard her clear her throat and my eyes quickly looked from hers. "So know now it's your turn."

"Oh right, yeah. In case you haven't noticed I love Lana. When I was younger I went to a Hanna Montana concert. I don't regret a thing." She laughed before saying;

"Even after what she is now? I mean she's changed a lot."

"Change is good. I personally love her new style. It feels more like her and I'm happy that she's found who she truly is and she doesn't give a shit what people thinks about her."

"But neither do you."

"What?" I asked confused.

"I've seen you around school and I know you hear what people say about you, but you don't care. You don't pay attention to any of those people and if you do you have a comeback that makes them shut up."

"I do care though. I guess I'm just good at covering it up. What people say about me sometimes hurts me a lot. I don't want people to dislike me. I mean I know people will dislike me, but if that is the case I would want them to at least have a conversation with me instead of going by other people's opinions."

"Wow, I never knew that." She seemed really shocked with my reply, but I guess I would be too if I were her.

"Well now you do." I say giving her a small smile. "I also would love to go to Ital. I've wanted to go there since I was little, everything about it looks amazing. My celebrity crush is Matt Healy. Last one, before I had all these posters up I had posters of horses." I don't think I heard anyone laugh as loud as Camila just did. She began rolling around holding her stomach.

"Oh m-my god. Laur-Lauren I cant breath."

"It's actually not that funny. I was seriously obsessed with horses. I had stuffed animal horses, horse curtains. I even had a horse wardrobe." Just when I thought she stopped laughing for good she started laughing hysterically. I had to join in because if you've ever heard her laugh you will know that it's contagious.

Writers note
I hope this chapter is long enough for you all. Anyway I hope you all have a good day/night. 
If you want to ask me any questions feel free to. You can ask me on here or Twitter and/or ask.fm

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