Chapter 1:

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A/n Hey readers ;) , I don't wanna make this too long but I'd just like to say this is my second book so please don't judge x_x If you want my other book it's in my profile (hopefully :D and it's not a must just a suggestion) also so sorry for any spelling errors or wrong word order...hope you enjoy ♡♡

Ammon Lafayette's POV:

"Okay, you may go now. Thank you again."

My door slammed closed as my assistant left after telling me about the meeting I have today. I'd just had lunch and I am still hungry like a bear that hasn't eaten in months. I love food okay, what can I say?

I walked to my window that has the view of the whole city. As I looked down I saw a girl-no scratch that-a lady, standing with some boy in front of a pitch black Range Rover. I couldn't see her properly but that ass though... Damn!

She leaned in and gave him a kiss and I immediately turned away walking back to my desk. I got my files ready for my meeting that I have in about 30 minutes time.

As I sat down I looked down at my watch and saw the meeting was about to start and I had 5 minutes before it started, shit. I quickly got my files and headed to the board room.

Apparently I'm meeting with a "Mr. DeAndre Yedlin Wolff ". I have no idea who that is, I tried google but the internet was off due to a very bad storm that occurred last night.  


I got to the board room preparing myself for probably some stuck up know-it-all that thinks he's the ish.

I walked in and saw the same lady I saw a few moments ago from my window with that boy. I looked closely and checked her out.

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