Chapter 11:

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''Ammon? You're awake.''

My eyes was still adjusting to the light so I had no idea who was talking to me and I had no idea where I was. The door was opened and closed within a second again. I tried to move my body up but there was something blocking my way, behind my back. I was trying to move the pillow but there was needles and pipes in my arm. 

By the time I gave up on the pillow the door opened again and a doctor walked in.  

''Mr. Lafayette, how are you feeling?'' I nodded my head and before I could open my mouth she started talking. 

''I'm Dr. Tia. You are in a hospital room due to an anxiety attack. I am aware that you were diagnosed with depression and anxiety at a young age. I have prescribed medication for your anxiety and weekly checkups will be recommended to observe your progress. There has been an accident and there are many patients in need of medical care and we are short of medical staff. I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience. Your family members are in the waiting room-''

Before she could finish there was beeping sound coming from her jackets pocket. She took out a small device and cursed under her breath. 

''I will be sending in another doctor to check if you are suitable to go home, please excuse me.''

She was out the door in less then a minute. At that moment Tadeo walked in with a jug of ice cold water. 

''Hey man, how you doing?''

''Damn bruhh, what the hell is going on?''

''Everybody is still at home except DeAndre and Leandra...and me. I'm sure the doc explained everything?'' I nodded before the door slowly opened. Tadeo and I both looked to the door.   

Leandra pocked her head into the room before the pulled something inside. 

''Speaking of the Devils.'' 

Leandra stuck  her tong out and was leading DeAndre inside. 

''Are we intruding?''

''No please, come in.''

DeAndre was wearing a plain white t-shirt that was tucked into the front part of her jeans and plain black heels. She was holding a black leather jacket and a small rectangle black sling bag. As for my princess, she was wearing grey jeans that were cuffed and grey rosches. A black and grey sweater with a grayish beanie. They both looked really good. 

''Daddy, daddy! Aunt D dressed me! Don't I look pretty?'' 

''You do look very pretty my princess.''

She gave me a big smile before trying to get on the bed. Tadeo helped her up and she rushed over to me. She gave me a kiss on the cheek before turning to Tadeo.  

''Uncle T, I'm hungry.'' She gave him a pouting face before he sighed and picked her.

''You just like your daddy.'' He tickled her and she started laughing. 

I smiled at them until they left and turned my body to DeAndre. 

''I see you can't seem to stay away.'' I winked at her and she scoffed before she started laughing. I could see that she was more relaxed now.

''Oh you wish Mr. Lets scare the poop out of her.'' 

''Poop?'' I was trying so hard to hide my amusement but she is hilarious.  

''Oh shut up, when do you get to leave this joint anyway?''

''Honestly I'm not sure, I heard there was some type of accident-''

''I'll go find a doctor.''

Before I could even protest she was already out the door. I was drifting off to sleep when there was a small knock at the door. It slowly opened and Tadeo walked in.

''Hey man, spoke with the doctor about everything and we can finally leave.'' He walked over to the bed and put a back pack on the bed that I didn't even notice he was carrying.

''Thanks man, oh and where is DeAndre?''  I could tell that he was smirking at me so I picked at the bedding so I wouldn't have to look at him. 

''And Leandra?'' I added so it wouldn't look so suspicious. Before he answered he was helping me into a sitting position. It felt good to finally move my body after so long.

 ''She is actually waiting outside with Leandra. Leandra didn't wanna leave and she wanted to stay with DeAndre.'' I just nodded my head before lifting my arms up to take off this stupid dress thing. 

Walking out the door I was taken aback. DeAndre was holding Leandra in her arms rocking her back and forth and lightly talking to her. Leandra's small hand was resting on DeAndre's cheek and DeAndre was looking down at her.

They both looked so comfortable and content with each other. Tadeo cleared his throat and walked pasted me to the doors. DeAndre looked up and straightened her posture before walking after him.

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