Chapter 3:

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"You're a girl?" I asked her. That was really unprofessional-like but right now I'm seriously out of it.

I can't believe no one told me I'll be working with a girl. This is outrageous. You probably think I'm overreacting but I've never met a girl that is in this business field. And when I did, they just don't know what is happening. We work with very complicated machinery that requires attention and actually working in factories not just in the office. This is very...confusing. 

"Well aren't we just friendly, " she said sarcasm dripping off her words. She took the papers and went to the other side of the table.

"I would like to start, Mr. Lafayette. Today-'' she said with a very serious face...or more like a glare?, getting her papers in order.

"Why are you in this business?" I asked her, leaning back in my chair, fully aware that I cut her off of what she was saying.

"Excuse me?"

"Why. Are. You. In. This. Business?"

"I don't understand. What kind of question is that?"

I honestly couldn't keep my myself in...I mean this is too much to handle. She was about to say something but I cut her off again, "First of all your a woman. Second, this has to do with cars and engineering and other machinery as well as working in the field. Third, you only have like 2 companies in the whole world, right? makes no sen-"

At this point she seemed angry and I have no idea why. I'm just stating the facts.

"Excuse me, but just so you know I am actually in this business because I love it. It does not matter if I am a woman, women can do anything men can do...and much better. I know that this business is all about machinery, why do you think I'm in it? Obviously because it interests me and I love it. And for your information I have 17 companies...and counting."

I was honestly so stunned by all this she was telling me. I hadn't even realized she was getting her things packed up so furiously.

"This meeting is cancelled. I would not like to be bothered with someone who things girls can't be in this business field." After that she took her things and power walked to the door, slamming it on her way out.

I was so stunned, I just sat there. I had no words. I feel like such an a-hole.


I got home and walked straight to my office. I could hear Lahahnah in the kitchen doing whatever it is she's doing. She has honestly been working on my nerves no matter what she does.

We've been together for 5 months and can't I tell you how messed up it has been. When we started dating we were both madly in love. She was the only person that I felt I needed , but everyone else kept saying she's with me because of the money.

Of course I didn't believe them until I saw it for myself. I really wanna leave her but apparently it's bad for my reputation. I didn't care about my reputation, I cared about my life.

"Ammon! Dinner's ready!!!". This woman is seriously working on my nerves no matter what she does.

I walked down the hallway to the dining room table. I sat across from her staring her down waiting for to start with her nonsense.

"How was your day?"

"Good," I kept my answers short. She was probably drinking away all my money today for all I know.

"Why are you always in the office?"

"Probably because I do work get pay for all the unnecessary stuff that you buy," I could tell with every pause she wanted to say something but I just cut her off.

I got up and walked to the door grabbing my coat on my way out. She looked furious and was probably gonna go to one of her friends to "calm down" or whatever.

I don't understand how she doesn't understand that I don't love her. She's honestly just wasting my time...literally.

I went to my bar, just for a while until after she leaves. When I walked in it was quite full. I walked over to the bar and greeted the bartender with a bro hug, he's an old family friend.

When I sat down I looked around the bar and noticed a lady sitting next to me with her head on her arms.

"Hey, Malcom! What's up with her?" he walked over to me and let out a small chuckle before answering.

"Been here since 5. Said she's not good enough for her job. And started with all that 'her daddy beats her cause he loves her' bullshit." For those of you who don't know the saying of that, it basically means her boyfriend is cheating or fucking her over and she doesn't wanna believe it so she tells herself it's because he loves her.

It's really sad if you ask me. How you could you get to that point where you believe your own lies?

"May I pleeaaassseeee get another drink now? I counted to....uhm....that number you told me to count to," she looked up, very irritated, and started pleading with Malcom.

Malcom rolled his eyes before turning around and took my glass off of the shelve. "No," she made a puppy face before taking her phone. She looked awfully familiar but I couldn't see in this light.

"If you're thinking about texting that dumbass of yours I suggest you wait until tomorrow....when you're sober."

She put her middle finger on her full red lips and shushed him, "I am sober." she said in a whisper then burst out laughing.

Malcom and I did the same. He gave me my drink, Hennessy and coke, before walking away chuckling. I held the glass in the palm of my hand before stirring it a bit and bringing the glass up to my lips. As I took a sip the liquid was burning on its way down my throat but it felt so good though. My teeth stopped the ice from going any further and I knew I had to lower my glass before I got carried away.

I put the glass down on the coaster with my business logo on. I quickly scanned the room to see how the bar was doing. It wasn't too full but the vibe was captivating. I turned to see the girl again. She sat there with her eyes closed and a small smile playing on her lips.

Her hair fell effortlessly down her back. And shone in the light. It was blonde but seemed darker. And her eyes stood out with her long eyelashes.

She was absolutely beautiful..."MALCOM! Come here!"

He came over to us, rolling his eyes and waited for her to talk. "Who's your friend?!" she said in a whisper/scream with her hand blocking out her words but I could still hear her every word.

I couldn't help myself and started laughing before taking the glass up to my lips again, "OH MY GOSH!!!"

Malcom and I both shot our heads to her. She sat with her hands over her mouth with a shocked expression, her body turned to me.

"Did you hear his laugh?! It's so amazing! Oh my gosh, his amazing!" she took him by his shirt's collar and started shaking him rapidly, "What's his name?!!" she talking about me?

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