Chapter 10:

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''Dad?.... Daddy?... Father?... Male parent?... ''

''What?'' I turned around frustrated with whoever decided it was okay to wake me up so early.

''Aren't you just ecstatic this morning? Anyway you have a visitor in the kitchen,'' Daegan paused and winked at me with a smirk, ''with everybody else.'' 

I groaned and fell back on my pillow dreading getting up right now.

''You might want to hurry, she seems important.'' he turned away into the bathroom.

She? I wasn't expecting anyone. I got up and quickly headed to the kitchen. I stopped by the mirror to fix my hair and completely forgot that I changed into grey sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. Combing my fingers through my hair a couple of times I decided that I didn't really care.


''About time.'' Everyone was still here but of course someone new. Fredrick was making breakfast while everyone was doing their own thing. What caught my eye immediately was Leandra.

 She was sitting in her high chair, passing every single toy car she owned to DeAndre who was standing behind her and braiding her hair. After every car Leandra passed behind her she would say, ''This one is my favorite!'' and each time she would get more energetic and each time DeAndre would take each car without complain and say a little fact about it before putting it down and carrying on to braid Leandra's hair. 

I stared in disbelieve when I saw this scene play out in front of me. Just as I was about to say something DeAndre finished with Leandra and stepped back. 

''Done!'' she had a broad smile on her face when she took Leandra out of her chair. 

''Ahhhh!!!! I LOVE IT!'' Leandra kept thanking her and gave her a hug. 

''Daddy! Look what aunt D did!'' 

''I see! You look exquisite!'' her smile widened even further if that was possible. 

''Baby Lea, why don't you go find your big brother so he can help with your toys?''

''But I want you to help me!''  her face fell as if she just found out Santa isn't real. 

''Babe... please go find Daegan for me.'' 

''Okay, dad. I'll be right back!'' she screamed to DeAndre while power walking out the kitchen. What? No running when guests are in the house. 

''I'm so sorry about that. The moment she saw me I couldn't get away.'' she shifted her weight from side to side and laughed nervously. 

I smiled at her just to let her know everything was perfectly okay. ''No, no it's really not a problem. What can I do for you?''

''Oh...haha, I actually wanted to find out if we may go for lunch...or dinner.'' she whispered the last part. ''I wanted to discuss work, but your kids are here which I perfectly understand. They are amazing. Maybe another-''

''I would love to have dinner with you.'' 

''Oh... great! I was thinking-''

''Seven o'clock, I'll pick you up. Dress code...out of this world.'' I grinned at her when I saw her taken aback look. The others all slipped away quietly I didn't even realize that we were alone. 

''Oh is that so... Ammon?'' She dragged out my name and stood with her arms crossed. 

I had a wide-smile before it felt as if something was stuck in my throat and it intended to stay there for as long as it wanted to. I quickly cleared my throat thinking it was nothing but I couldn't seem to do that. I started to feel light-headed and as if the room  was spinning. 

There was no air going into my lungs I realized. You know when you are pushed under water and forced to stay under? And you can feel the air leaving your body and you don't know how to breath anymore? That's how it felt.

I grabbed onto the counter to keep my balance and tried taking huge gulps of air. In my fit I saw DeAndre busy shouting something and trying to grab onto me as well as tears were streaming down her face as she tried explaining to the others what happened. 

I had no idea what was being said around me, all I know was that I was concentrating so hard on not dying at that moment. 

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