Chapter 5:

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''Uhm.....Ammon?'' I moved my head from her shoulder and looked down at her considering that I'm about 5 inches taller than her.


''Is it okay if I maybe sleep with you tonight? Cause you see I'm not really in the mood to be with myself right now...I mean I don't mind, I understand if it's too weird for you I mean I would also feel freaked out, it's just-''

She was probably nervous to ask me and it was the cutest thing ever to see her ramble on but I felt bad and every time I tried to stop her she would just carry on so I gave up and leaned in to give her another kiss on her lips. She was a bit taken back but she kissed me back either way.

Each time I tried to pull away she would just push herself closer to me and each time she would smile into my lips. Not that I was complaining or anything.

I eventually slowly pulled away and took her hand. Leading her upstairs. I felt her hold on to my hand extra tight but then slowly letting go as if she wasn't sure what to do. I squeezed her hand to reassure her that all was well.

We got to my bedroom and I gave her a quick kiss before telling her that I was going to go get her some clothes to sleep in. I knew if I didn't break the kiss the first time, we would have been way past the point of kissing and I wanted her to be sober for when we do it so she hopefully won't regret it the next day.

I just changed into my long sleeping pants like I always do and got my sleeping shirt with a pair of sleeping shorts that are to small for me and will hopefully fit her.

When I walked out I was still fixing my pajama pants and didn't even realize that DeAndre already got undressed for the clothes I would bring her. She wore a black strapless lace bra and black lace undies. She got up and walked over to me as if it was the most normal thing in the world. She took the clothes from my hand and put it on.

''I just really want to get in bed,'' she said with her sheepish smile before taking my hand and dragging me to bed.

''No, it's okay,'' I smiled back before getting into bed and switching off the lights. The light from the moon was shining into the room so it wasn't that dark and you could still see what was in front of you. I put my head down with my hands at the back of my head and closed my eyes.

I felt something move over my tummy and my eyes shot open. I tilted my head up a bit to see DeAndre tracing my six pack with her long, perfectly shaped fingers. I smiled at her and shifted my body a bit so she won't think I was staring at her and get all nervous again.

I felt her stop and thought she saw me but then I felt her put her head on my tummy perfectly so she won't crush me, she also layed out her hair perfectly behind her on the rest of my body. She then placed a small kiss on my v-line before going to sleep.


''Ammon! I'm home!''

Shit! I shot up and quickly ran down stairs to Lahahnah before she shouts any louder and wakes up DeAndre. This is gonna be one hell of a fight. Lahahnah usually comes home during the day just before I get home from work and if she sees DeAndre she's gonna flip and I don't know why since she's having another affair.

''Lah, I don't want to do this any more. I know you were with your 'best friend' and don't even try to deny the fact that you did sleep with him and you have been since before we dated! I will pay an amount of R5000 in your bank account every month until you find a proper job! And don't you dare ever come back here unless you get your things and don't you even ever try to talk to me again. I am done with your bullshit!''

''You know what! Go to hell. I actually came here to come and tell you that I'm leaving you!'' she tried to act as if this wasn't bothering her but the tears were streaming down her face. I had to tell her this. I never wanted to be with her and I've had enough.

She grabbed her coat and purse before rushing out the door and slamming it on her way out. I stood there running my hand through my hair before going up the stairs to see if DeAndre is okay. I feel terrible, I didn't even make sure if she was still sleeping when I jumped out of bed. I really hope she didn't hear any of that. I don't wanna mess anything up.


I was now waiting outside her house waiting for her to get dressed since she didn't have any clothes cause she spent the night with me. After that I'm gonna take her to work and meet up with her at lunch so we can go get her car. Before we left the bar I asked Malcom to pull her car in my extra garage and he did just that so, we need to go fetch it now.

This morning when I went to go check on her she was sound asleep so everything was good. We had breakfast and now we were at her house. Luckily her guy wasn't here but he left like a dozen messages on her phone, he really seemed worried but he was probably just acting like that cause he probably thought DeAndre was with one of her girlfriends...well that's what she told me.

She rescheduled the meeting of yesterday to today before lunch. I honestly didn't mind and was actually excited about it until I saw DeAndre coming out the front door and walking to the car.

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