chapter 2: something no one had ever expected

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i walk  into the house hopeing everyone is sleeping, and a smell reaches my nostrils. the aroma of alchohol is definently hard to miss. there are things like paper and furniture tipped over and thrown all over the place. what had happened while i was gone? i walk around my living-room and then another smell hits me, blood and fresh. i dont see any but i can smell the very strong concockstion of stenches really well. i walk into the dining-room and i notice something in the corner of my eye. i turn my direction to the kitchen and see my mom. she is sitting on the counter with her feet proped up on the table that isnt far from the counter. one hand is sitting on her lap with gun between her grip and the other is a glass of, what smells like, gin. she turns her attention to me and smiles. " so were have you been little missy, fucking some guys? well, you missed all the fun"

to make this clear i still have my virginity and she knows that but she suspects. "no i did not fuck anyone, and i was out with a...friend" i chose my word carfully. "what the hell happened here?" it almost was at a shout.

"  watch your launguage little missy!" she yelled while throwing the glass of  gin at me. i dodged it then look back at the spot on the wall were the glass hit. i turn and look back at my mom, but she isnt there. were the hell did she go? my question was anwsered when i felt a cold object point into my temple. i slowly glanced over to see my mom had this look of a psychopath. "well, you see you are a mistake. i shouldnt of had you or your brother and sister. i should of had aborstions with ALL of you. and now im going to fix my mistakes!" she howled a laugh making me wince.

i backed up causing me to hit the wall as i slide down. i felt a sharp pain in my hand as i got to the bottom and relized that i was exactly were moms glass cup was thrown. and all of a sudden i get an idea that might just save my life. " so, just like that you going to kill me?" i said hopeing to stall her for a while as i stumble for a nice shard of glass, when finely i get a hold of one.

she smiled at me in the most evilest way. "oh, yes dear, just. like. that." she laughed again. but stopped as soon as i sliced the glass across her leg "YOU LITTLE BITCH!"

"WATCH YOUR LAUNGUAGE MISSY!" I yelled at her as i stabbed the shard into her arm then breaking the remaining the wasnt in her arm so that she couldnt take it out.  i held in a laugh because now didnt seem like the time for laughter. i ran up the stairs to recreive my siblings. "kids wake up, we have to go!" i hissed while shaking them. i pick up my little sister, seeing a puddle of blood around her. i put her back down and see my little brothe, her has a puddle around him to and thats when i see the hole in the back of his head. i walk backwords with my hand covering my mouth,  almost to shocked to move as a tear runs down my face.

i run blindly down the stairs to grab my phone then remember that mom was still downstairs....armed. i looked over to see my mom wasnt there anymore. i gentely make my way to my phone that is now under the computer. im almost there when i here a moan mixed with a stiffled laugh. i look over to see my mom about ten feet away from me. she is limping on the leg i cut and one arm is wrapped around the one i stabbed, with the other is holding the gun. "you cant hide sweetheart, ill get the job done."

i stood up and looked her staight in the eye, grinned then hollered out a laugh. she looked at me with confustions and bafflement then it quickly turned to anger. she cocked the gun the grins, but then i hear a faint sound, the police. she snarled at me " how- you bitch!" 

while she caught me i grabbed my phone and hid it behind my back while calling 911. " well at least im not the STUPID bitch!" i laughed, pleased with myself but then our door broke open. the women i used to call mom put the gun up to her head and pulled the trigger. the police men all looked at each other as they lowered their guns. that is when i finally realize how badly i was shaking. i looked at my hand and it was trembling.

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