Unbelievably Real

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Mom had called me for dinner, something I never want to do because it means sitting with my family and having to make a conversation. I guess you could call it a family but I really wouldn't. With my 2 other siblings and my mom being single and struggling almost with every single bill. I feel bad for her because of my sister and little brother. They always want more and my mom doesn't have the balls so say no, and she also has no partner to help her out so she always ends up leaning to me, the eldest child at 17. I decicay down the stairs to find my mom waiting for me at the bottom.

"Oh look, its alive! Get your ass at the table and start eating." She sneered at me.

"Well look! It seems you have spent your money for another useless need for yourself instead of think of your KIDS for once!" I shot back at her. She cant stand being called out on her money issues. I can say our house looks like we have a lot of money, but that's only because my mom is all about the appearance. I make my own money and buy my own shit.

" With that attitude you can go back to your room" she said thinking she won the fight.

" WELL I WOULDN't WANT TO EAT LOOKING AT YOUR FACE CAUSE I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO KEEP IT DOWN!" I yelled. I bolted past her, grabbed the laptop, my backpack, and a cookie and started up the stairs. Before I could get past my mom, she pulled the cookie out of my mouth and slapped me in the face. It wasn't anything new. I shot a glare at her than stomped up the stairs.

I never really ate much so going on the night wasn't an issue, considering that even if I got hungry I always had my stash of candy and protein bars. My mom says that I discust her as how almost perfect I am. With my perfect glowing, tan skin, and skinny, totally fit body. My short hair it still trying to grow in from when I shaved it. I mean it like half a foot long now but I still miss my wonderful blonde hair with its natural highlights.

And now that i had my backpack and my laptop I was goingto watch a movie and message my friends on Facebook. I try to keep the conversations at a none-swearing standard for my moms sake. It has only been lately that I've changed. And all of a sudden i notice 6 friend requests on the top of my Facebook. So i click on them to see who has sent me them. And i see his name... A name that seems to tickle my thoughts. Why does this particular name seem familiar? So i ask my mom through messaging to see if she knows.

"Yeah you met him like half an hour ago, Tyler the one that you were OBVIOUSLY flirting with... and being flirted to with." My mom stated. Sometimes i will never understand my mom.

So i accepted it then clicked on a different tab to check on twitter, looked up to see that i had a message from someone, probably one of my friends, but was totally mistaken and surprised.

"So u think I'm dreamy?"

I was so confused i mean i didn't really know him except he was really hot, and when i say hot i mean tumbler boys hot! But he wasn't one of those guys you could trust to save you life, just totally clueless. He is really smart, hot, fit, (did i mention hot?) and to be frankly honest, he could be a evil villain and I wouldn't notice at all.

"Why are you asking?

and how did you find me so fast? :)"

"Wasn't hard and your mom sold you out."

What? What did he just say? I don't even tell my mom my opinion on a color nether-the-less about a adorable guy like him. "I guess its not really that hard to find me :) and she sold me out on what?"

I tried to make it seem like i was a little confused but my heart was doing flips back and forth.

"That i was dreamy ;)"

"Well guess what? 1st of all i NEVER said that, and 2nd my mom thinks that i thought that.... thank-you very much but i don't find anyone 'DREAMY" " Even though now that i think of it he was kinda, some-what, possible dreamy.

"Sure y did she think that"

"idk she thinks she knows everything... just like she said 'ohh he looked like he liked you' when we left. I thought she was full of it" There that should cover anything that might seem like i like him. I mean when we met we talked for about 5 hours flirting.


Oh shit! How could i have been so stupid to write that? FUCK ME IN THE ASSHOLE... gosh I'm sooo screwed. "THINK... I think... wrong word.."

"maybe right tho"

What does that mean? Is he admitting to liking me? "What may be right?"

"Your mom"

Is that supposed to be some kinda joke? And before i could even stop myself i typed. " Oh really -__-" and entered it.

"Cant confirm nor deny" Awww how sweet, why didn't he just get to the point? But could this all be some joke to spill what i think about him then totally embarrass me?

"oh thanks..."

"whats wrong"

Did i seriously just screw this up? I can still fix this! I just have to say that was a mix up message to my friend but i accidental sent it to him... there, fixed. So i typed in my excuse and sent it.


"what not convinced?"

"no, not at all"

"how am i supposed to prove that I'm being serious? :)" Damn this boy really knows when someone is just flat out lying, even over a fucking message.

"Taylor, just tell me what really is on your mind"

Oh my lord... " i think you are really attractive and smart and you have a sexy ass body! i would totally grind up on you... and i just wish i was yours!" is what i wish i would have sent but in stead said " i like you and my mom was right :/ but dreamy is not a word a would describe you as"

"then what would you describe me as?" I could just imagine that smirk on his face while waiting for an answer.

"you are..."

"what ;)"


" :0"

AHA that got him but before i could even say what i really wanted to say he replied again. "Well i think you are a very attractive, sexy, and funny person and i would like to ask you a very simple question?"

"aww fuck i was seriously about to call you smart and sexy.... what do you want to ask me?"

"are you free in about an hour...."



HEYY YALL :) this is my first ever story ever, i honsetly dont know where this story is taking me but i wanna make it into a romance kinda thing. just to let you knoe that ENTIRE conversation is real, the ten minutes after meeting and ending up with a friend request is real, and the made up character of taylor is real. and comment if you think i think i should add a few new characters for what tyler has in store for taylor, and give names that you think these characters should have if so :)

i think in like a few days i will add a new chapter :) and i am not sure about the title lol :) oh and can someone PLEASE EXPLAIN THE TAGS THING? LOL and sorry for any spelling errors or grammer mistakes... IM SORRY! DO I LOOK LIKE A FUCKIN DICTIONARY TO YOU GUYS? lol


Im Maria, one of TheYoloGirl25's friend-in real life, and now her fellow editor. I dont really edit authors note though, so yeah. If you want you can check out my page -> perfectboysdontexist feel free to message me on my account about editing, and theyologirl25 about her story.

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