chapter 5: i thought this secret agency was crazy but zombies now?

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We heard the sirens and i nearly had a heart attack. I wanted to stay by Tyler, care for him, make this all disappear so that he was better. But i cant, and i cant get ride of this unqueasing feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The guard said to follow him and not to panic. But seeing as how everyone else is taking this....i say not.

The speakers boom as an unfamiliar voice instructs that we need to enter the 'Panic Room'. Who the hell names a panic room the panic room? i would have named it the 'im sexy as hell room'... or the 'dont go to this room because its not fill with people panicing' who knows there are many ways so go with that.

getting there was taking forever. either we were under ground or in a very, very large building. i picked up speed, if i didnt get there sooner i might end up asking the gaurd to piggy-back ride me. looking at the man it doesnt seem like a bad idea. he is HOT! not like tyler hot or model hot hes military hot. not only that he could probably lift me like i was nothing... but his muscles were not big and bulky, or gross.

"hey, um, cute guard guy, um.... im not trying to complain or anything, but um im just going to notify you that uhh.... i may just ask you for a piggy ride there. did i mention your cute?" i could feel my face flush as i asked the question, i cant beleive i just asked that when i have a boyfriend. when i look up at him hes red.... probably redder than me.

"im not autherized to do so.....but i think i can do it if no one said anything about that specifically..." he looks up, than around and puts his hand on the back of his neck. almost like he is debating about something. " well, you want bridle style....i could look like a hero" he glanced at me with an arrogant smirk. i couldnt help but giggle.

"oh gosh, no matter how flattering that sound ill have to pass, ill stick with my piggy- back ride. umm just turn around and ill count to three and jump..... uhhh okay?" i asked backing up so i can run and jump. this was maybe the weirdest moment of my life.... or it was just weird because its fun?

he turned around and i backed up so that i could get a steady run up. "one.... two!" before i even finished two i ran full speed and pounced. the gaurd nearly knocked over but kept his ground. "Giddy up biatch" he craned his neck to look at me and then bursted out laughing. It boomed over the rushing panicking people.

His voice was amazing, I felt like melting there right on his back. Weird and awkward I know but I've never heard a voice or laugh this amazing.

"Please go back to what you were previouusly doing before. There is nothing to worry about." The speaker announced through multiple divices. I looked down. The guard was watching me. Analizing my face.

" I guess this means no more piggybacks?" I question feeling beyond disappointed.... I feel devastated. I really hope that I don't like him because it is out of the question to.

i looked around and met eyes with tyler. he glided over to me like me were magnetized. there as no denying that we a strong connection. i took his hand a gave it a slight squeeze before he wrapped his arm around my waist. i noticed he was glaring at the guard. what was his problem....?


he must have seen the guard and me and thought he was flirting with me. i lean into him and whisper" i hope you realize that i asked him to give me a back ride because my legs were hurting. if anything you should stop glaring at him and thank him for taking care of me for the moment."

"your right, im sorry..... i guess now we all know im the jealous type." he gives me a sly smile. he pecks me on the cheek and thrusts his hand out to the guard for a handshake, "hey man, thanks for taking care of her. my name is tyler!" he bluntely says.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2013 ⏰

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