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It's so funny; months ago I was such an independent person--I knew how to be by myself and how to take care of myself. Now, though, I'm hanging onto the thin threaded words of others and how their tongues move in marvelous ways when they speak of me. There's some piece of me still inside of me, some piece of that person I was once so sure was me. I was so sure back then that I would turn out to be a certain person but then I met people, people who changed my life. For better or for worse, they changed my independency into a dependency on beautiful words spoken by beautiful people and yah know, that's okay. I think that right now if I were to be all alone, there wouldn't be a "right now" for me. So, the price to pay for depending on others is finite compared to the gifts in these beautiful people. I guess you could say, I'm in dependency.

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