i woke up like this

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I woke up like this.
Half a set of ears, a broken pancreas, shot nerves, cold and sweaty hands, large feet, bold heart, shy brain, flat ass, terrible posture, fatty stomach and thighs, big nose, crooked eyes, unsymmetrical lips, quick jealousy, selfishness, height of a giant, slurred patterns of speech, unclear points of view, loud voice, annoying personality, stupidity, an allergy to coconut, never-ending snappiness, a deepness alike to that of a cavern which scares people off, loud feet, no sense of style, dramatic tendencies, worn out shoes, broken in paths, depression, anxiety, bipolar difficulties, laziness.
I woke up like this.
Creativity, the ability to make people talk, laugh, smile, happy, color, deepness alike to that of a cavern which can ignite an inspiring moment in others, ambition, great music taste, skills with a pencil, the worlds inside of my head, an understanding for human nature, blue eyes that I use to tell people what I'm feeling even when words don't speak for me, an immense love for one specific person who I never could fall for another because of, love to share with people who love me back and even people who don't.
I woke up like this.
There's a lot of bad, some good...but I'm glad I woke up.
And I'm okay with the fact that this....this is who I am.
And if waking up means being this person, I'm fucking happy I am who I am.

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