Chapter 3

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Over the weekend Madeline thought constantly about her green room adventure. About Gus's lips, his hands in her hair, kissing her neck, him pulling his shirt back down. She sat in her room drawing some doodles; she was quite good at drawing, all her friends commented on her style and eye for detail. She sighed down at the paper. She just wanted to finish but - "Two eyes. Is that two much to ask for?" she gasped in frustration looking at the perfect left eye and the slightly-less-perfect right eye which had the scars of its brothers before it shadowed behind it from where she had rubbed it twice before. Giving up Madeline took a rubber and pushing hard to try and get the scarred paper to look new again rubbed the whole thing off. Screw this. She drew a fringe over the space. Hah. It felt like cheating but at least it was finally done. She turned the page and let her mind drift for a while before her phone beeped from where it lay chucked on her bed. She had an old iPhone with a few too many accessories hanging off it. They got annoying sometimes but they were too cute to not keep. She had one miss call from her Dad. Sliding across she rung him back. The phone made the default calling noise for a while until her Dad picked up.

"Hey Dad!" Madeline starts,

"Hey kid-o!" her dad answers in his warm, familiar voice,

"How come you called me?"

"Oh just wanted to know quickly, Im on my way back form Bunnings right now and there are kids selling pencil cases, didn't you loose yours the other day?"

Surprised her dad remembered her small mention of "I think I lost my pencil case on the way to religion today" yesterday she responded;

"Oh," laughing, "Nah thats okay, Im sure Ill find it!"

"Alright then, but I've got to go - driving now, I'll be home in a few minutes cya then"

"Okay, bye."

'I wonder what Dad would think If he saw what I did in the green room... I haven't even told my parents I have a boyfriend yet' Madeline thought to herself guilty gazing at her dads contact card photo in her phone. It was a picture of him and her on fathers day when she was little. She was hugging his neck while he held her up. Madeline smiled at the thought, feeling a shot of necrophilia. That day had been the best. She had made a pasta collage frame at school with her very own drawing inside it. It was one of the first moments she remembered from when she was young where she realised how much she did like drawing and it was clear in that moment as the other kids asked her if she could draw on their dads, followed by the teacher announcing that you have to draw your own I-love-my-dad-because picture otherwise its not special. It felt so special drawing for her dad who she loved and he liked it so much. A thought popped into her head: 'I should draw Gus, then give it to him!' she smiled and went to sit on her desk chair again but paused the motion mid-way 'but that would be so cheesy, he would know I like him, I cant give it to him, no, definitely not, but I'll still draw it, just... not give it to him! No-one will know anyway...' She sat and grabbing her best pens from her draw began to sketch the face shape. She was feeling so inspired. She drew the eyes and they matched. She drew the hair and it looked like the sun was really shinning onto him and you could see how soft it was. She had gone into the zone. Cut off from the rest of the world; just her and her pen. Just her and Gus. She drew the lips, the nose, his jawline, and neck, continuing down giving him a purple teeshirt and blue jeans. She felt hot as she drew and coloured around certain areas on him. But hey, she was an artist. She could do whatever she wanted. No judging its allowed. Its normal! Someone knocks on her door and suddenly she barely had enough time to pull her sketchbook shut before the little short bud that was her brother pulled the door open looking too innocent for what she knew to really be a demon.

"What are you doing?" Freddy asked,


"Do you want to play wii with me?" he asked blinking swinging on the door handle while sheltering outside the room still.

The automatic answer of 'no' is already on Madeline's lips when she changes her mind, slipping her sketchbook into its draw.

"Yeah okay!" she replies sweetly and exits with Freddy, Proceeding to play mario cart for the next hour until their parents shoo them away from the TV. 

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