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The look on Ms Khanna's conscious face when she saw her kids showed true love.

I lie on my bed thinking about the kids I will have with my wife. It will be my family.

Mom had shouted on me for not informing while I left the house and for not receiving her calls.

"You left without informing! Do you have any idea how worried I was? And so late? It is Delhi. You live in a place where rape is not news. No sense of responsibility! You will know the pain when you will be a mother yourself."

I did not say a word and I silently left the place when she was over with her lecture. Well, she was right in a way.

Anything could have happened. I could have been raped, molested, robbed or murdered. It is effing 21st century. Everything in the crime section is at its peak.

But above all, my luck brings me Nancy. A nurse.

That tight fitting white uniform of hers seemed no less than a bodycon dress. Her body was perfect. Her breasts, so naturally sexy, round and plush. Her legs were smooth as an effing waterslide. I think about the curve above her hips and my mind starts buzzing with craziness. I just wish she is not seeing anyone.

For one, she wanted to meet me. And her smile had a blush, I am sure.

I don't know when I stopped thinking about Nancy and when I fell asleep but I wake up out of a dream. I look at the time. It is 12.45 a.m.

I try sleeping and I just cannot. I walk to the window and look at the sky above, full of stars, such a vast blank space which is decorated by someone with little twinkling shiny objects.

"Space. Just like life. Blank. You just need to fill it with your own decorations." I say to myself.

The next moment I don't know what made me think of that, I was climbing out of the window like a crazy lunatic escaping the asylum.

"I must go and see her. I cannot lose her this time." I talk to myself while walking down the lane to get my sister's bike parked outside, near the garage.

It is a bicycle. I paddle as fast as I could to reach her place. She had given me the address when I was leaving the hospital, after dropping the kids safely.

"This is my address. You can call me too. I have written my phone number down there. I hope to see you soon." She had said. And her smile. Oh my goodness.

I think, I smile and I keep on paddling.

I see her building at a distance. She must be sleeping there calmly and peacefully, not knowing that someone loves her so much that she is dying to see her in the middle of the night.

"This is my chance. No one knows what might happen tomorrow. I am not gonna wait anymore." I talk to the wind probably.

I reach the building where she lives. I see that the guard is sleeping.

I silently try to enter but I see that the gate is locked. And suddenly the silence is broken and the guard shouts his lungs out, with a car honking behind me. The romantic night I planned of becomes a mess.

"What the hell are you doing? Who are you miss?" The guard yells at me, opening the huge arched gate.

"Umm. Kch nahi bhaiya. I am here to see someone." I say in the midst of the noise of the honking car behind me.

I turn around and I see Nancy getting out of the car. My heart stops right there.

'What on Earth was I thinking? A hopeless romantic? Well, you suck Jules.' I think to myself.

"Julie. What are you doing here?"


"Do you know this woman?" The security cuts me off fortunately.

"Oh yeah. She is with me." Nancy replies.

She glances at me and I sit beside her in the car. The security opens the gate for the car to get in. And I sit there in the awkward silence contemplating what to answer.

We reach the parking. We get out of the car and she smiles at me sideways and says -

"Is this a time?"

'She knows. She knows that I am here to see her.' My mind tells my heart.

"I just wanted to see you." The blush on my face reaches a point where you can hardly differentiate it with the red lava of the erupting volcano.

She smiles again.

"I was on duty at the hospital. A coffee won't harm you at this time, right?" She asks.

"Yeah. Completely fine." I reply.

"By the way, the bike ? You just left it there outside."

"Oh. Nevermind. No one will rob it. It is too old to be stolen." I say, though my guts spill out at the thought of Anna shouting and whining on my face.

"It is not so big. Not a very grand place. But it feels like home." She says opening the door to her flat.

"This is beautiful. You are way too modest." The words escape my lips and I keep on looking at the place in wonder.

The room measures small but it looks bright and clean because of the cute and pretty fairy lights she has put at almost every corner of the place, they shine upon the pretty bookshelves.

The books, hardbound, brown and thick look so wonderful. My eyes keep darting to every little thing in the place. The miniatures she has collected are placed clean on the top of the bookshelf with a little lamp shaped like an owl.

The floors were shiny and clean.

"Thanks." She says breaking into my thoughts of admiration.

"You can sit here comfortably. I will be back in a minute." She points towards the couch and she walks into her bedroom.

I imagine her changing into her nightwear. The clothes sliding off her body and the satin night wear hugging her body. I imagine her adjusting her spaghetti and putting a robe over herself.

"Coffee?" She asks from behind.

I turn around to see her in the same state as I imagined. A blue satin night dress which reaches her thighs with a dark blue satin robe over her, showing her shiny legs below.

"Yeah. Sure." I reply after a few seconds.

"So, what brings you here?" She places the coffee on the teapoy in front of me and asks.

"You." I reply instantaneously.

"I know that." She smiles looking down at the pouring coffee into her mug.

"You are beautiful. I never imagined this day would ever come." I say.

"I did. I knew that we will meet." She says looking straight into my eyes, which sends a strong thump through my fast beating heart.

"The day I placed my eyes upon you, in our high school, I knew, that you are the one for me. I knew that destiny will bring us back together. I have been waiting for this day since then." She says, almost a whisper.

In the midst of all those words, I forget to notice the lessening distance between our lips.

"I think I am in love with..." I say and I feel her lips on mine, kissing me and sucking on my lower lip with so much love, that I have never felt before.

I kiss her back with so much passion. I lift her a little and lie over her on the couch. I touch her smooth breasts over the satin. The softness of her flesh makes me go crazier and I kiss her even more. I feel her tongue touching mine which sends chills through my spine.

"I love you." She says, breathless, in the middle of the kiss.

"I love you too."


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