That Night

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*Anu's Pov*

"Mom?" I call out for her in her dark bedroom. I enter the threshold and switch on the lights to see that she was not there.

I quickly go to the bathroom and check. Not there either. I call out her name and hear no sign. I check everywhere to find out that she is missing.

I see a note on her table though which I missed  the last time I came into the room.

Don't look for me, dear. It is for the best of you both. I have informed Lily. She will be on her way home. I will call you soon from a telephone booth. I will not be having any contact number. I am sorry Anu for being such a bad mother. I see no other option. I want you to go see your father once, as you have always wanted to. I will be fine, I promise.


Soon, the landline at our place starts ringing.

"Hello!" I say quickly.

"Hello." I hear my Mom saying after a long pause.

"Where are you? What are you upto? What am I going to do? I am scared Mum. Come back please. Don't do all this. I request you Mom. Tell me what is going on?" I say grabbing the chance to talk.

"It is for a reason. You will be fine. Niki loves you more than he loves me. You have been taking care of him since he was a baby. I know you are capable enough to do that. I don't know when I'll be coming back. But I want you to be okay. I have called your aunt. And she said she is on her way. She will come and get you. Be nice to her. Take care."


The call ends. My mind goes blank. I have no idea how to survive all alone here with a little brother. What if she doesn't come? What am I supposed to do? What if Lily also gives up on us? She is just our aunt. Our mother left us. How long will it take for our aunt to leave a note like that? Or how long will it take for her to say - " Get out of my house, you greedy sick midgets."

I go to Niki's room and I hug him tight. I let myself pour out tears of anger, fear and grief.
I kiss Niki on the forehead. His innocent face. What has he done to suffer all of this?


Days pass by. Nights pass by. No calls from our Mother. No signs of Aunt Lily.
I have been feeding Niki with stored food for a week. Now that is getting over too.

I hear thunder outside. Lightning. It is raining heavily. Niki gets scared and hugs me tight. We are sitting on the floor near our landline waiting for one call from our Mother.
I finally give up on my waiting. I stand up. I wake up my brother. It is midnight. We walk out of the house and lock the door.

"Wher aarwe goin?" My baby brother asks gripping my hand tightly under the pouring rain.

"To Julie's. Mom is not coming back." I reply letting the rain wash away my tears.

Hey guys!
This is me kartika_k.
I hope you like the story so far. This one is from my heart and I really want this to get more reads. I had a dream a few nights ago, of 'Her' reaching 50k reads. Haha. I really want this to get huge.

Please vote if you like it. :) Feel free to comment. I would love to talk to my readers. I love you all. And don't forget to share. xD

Have a great day. xD

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