Let It Happen

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"How are you? I cannot believe it. It is you for real." She gasps.

"Neither can I." I stand up to look straight into her eyes.

"Are you sick? Why are you here?" Nancy asks in her sweet voice.

"Oh. One of the people I know met with an accident. She is in the casualty. The doctors are examining her." I say.

"Oh. Yeah. Khanna right? I was in there. She is fine. Just a small fracture and tissue injury with blood loss. Those people who helped her were really good hearted. No one does this kind of help nowadays in Delhi."

"Is that so? I thought it is serious. They told me that a surgery might be needed. I was about to call a relative of hers for the consent." I reply waving Ms. Khanna's cellphone in my hand at her.

"She is not your relative?" She asks the very next moment.

"Oh. No. My teacher. She is my teacher. I was the one whom she called last. So those people called me up." I explain.

"You better call her relatives though. You cannot stay here all night. She will be admitted for a few days here." Nancy says.

"Yeah. I better will." I reply with a grin. "So, a Nurse eh?" I ask.

"Yeah." She chuckles. "I find this job stress relieving. I love service." She says happily.

"That is so good." I reply thinking about how I am still stuck up in the college. Only if I had cleared those back logs.

"We will meet up some other time then?" Nancy asks cutting me off my thoughts.

"Oh. Very well yeah. Sure." I say hurriedly thinking of how to affirm her with my big Yes.

She giggles and she waves a bye at me leaving me alone there. I watch her walk away and I realise I can never stop falling in love with her.

"You are?" A voice asks me from behind. A strong male voice.

I turn around to see that it is the doctor.

"I am Julie. Julie Asther. A student of Ms Khanna. Rather an acquaintance."

The doctor eyes me from top to toe and says -
" Well. She is fine. There is fracture of the right elbow and she has lost some blood. But that is fine. She will recuperate. She needs a few days rest in the ward. Then, you can take her home."

"Thank you doctor."

And he leaves with a formal smile on his face.

I enter the ward to look at Ms Khanna and I see her lying there unconscious but in peace. Her beauty astonishes me everytime I see her. Even this time.

I sit beside her to look at her calm face for longer and I drift into my own thoughts.

"Stop it! You morons! Bloody hate spitting dickheads." Nancy yelled at the top of her voice at the boys who were bullying me.

It was recess and I was waiting to collect my tray at the counter when they started calling me names. Nancy had just entered the cafeteria and she noticed the commotion and rushed towards the counter.

"Whoa whoa...miss! Somethin' goin on between you two eh?" The fat guy called Simon mocked her.

And everything must have become black for him after that because Nancy punched him in the eye so hard. The other guys took a step back and watched Nancy hold my hand and take me out of the cafeteria as if she was saving her princess from the bad guys.

"....Aaan...." Ms Khanna says something illegible barging into my thoughts.

"Are you okay Ms Khanna? I am here. Julie." I say patiently waiting for an answer.

"Anuu..." she says, this time making it clear that she is asking for her daughter.

I feel guilty for not calling her daughters. 'What on Earth was I thinking?' I think to myself.

"Yeah. Anu. They will be here in just 5 minutes." I say.

I rush towards the door and get down the stairs to reach my bike parked outside the hospital. I don't remember where I parked it. I hurry to find it safely parked. I start to Ms Khanna's place to pick her daughters up. Maybe, they know whom to call for Ms Khanna's care.

I ride my bike as fast as possible in that unbelievable traffic in Delhi. My fingers pain of honking every 5 minutes.

I reach the place to find the door locked. Probably, Ms Khanna had locked the kids in for safety.

'Thanks to my quick wits.' I think to myself. I ring the bell even after knowing there is no way getting them out of there without the keys.

"...Coming!!!!" I hear a girl's voice yelling from somewhere upstairs maybe. I hear the whining of a baby coming closer.

"Yeah?" The girl asks pushing aside the curtain off the window beside the door.

"Umm. I am Julie. Your mom's student. How can I unlock the door? I am here to take you kids to your mom." I say choosing my words carefully.

"I know who you are. I have heard about you and seen you a few times stalking my Mom. The keys are under the mat. And I am not a kid for your information." The kid says grudgingly.

I smile foolishly and I unlock the door to let myself in.

"Where is the lady?" The girl asks.

"Your mom you mean?" I stress upon the word 'Mom' for the girl to understand what manners are.

"Yeah. Where is she?"

"She met with an accident. She is at the hospital and she wants to see you." I reply.

"Oh." That is the only word that comes out of the girl's mouth when I say her Mom has met with an accident.

"Shall we leave then?" I ask hesitantly.

The girl moves towards the door, taking it as a yes, I lock the door with the kids behind me.

"We are gonna go by my bike. Hold me tight. And make sure that the baby sling is finely attached to you." I say and I start my bike. I wait for Anu to sit comfortably.

"Yeah." She affirms me to start.

I feel Anu's tight grip around my waist, soft and small. I feel the baby touching my back. I hope the small gap doesn't suffocate the baby. Then a voice says -

" Thank you. Thank you for being there at the hospital with Mom."

I smile to myself and let the speed take over me.


Her (#justwriteit) (Lesbian stories)(#lgbt)✔Where stories live. Discover now