The End

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☆Nancy's Pov☆

I look at the locked door and stare at it for a while. I try to comprehend what it means. Why would someone call Julie about her Mom being ill.

"The cellphone!" I say it loud as if I have found the right piece of the puzzle.

I sit back in the car to drive back home and I reach in just 15 minutes. I get out of the car and take a look at the garage.

'Too late. Still you are not here. Where are you?' I say to myself noticing no sign of Julie's bike in the garage.

I knock the door several times in hurry and finally Anu opens the door. I slightly push her aside, or that is what I think I did and I lunge to the couch where Julie had left her cellphone.

I pick up the device and unlock the screen. I click the call log and look at the last call which makes my jaw drop.

"What?" Anu asks.

"Her mom."

"....they will look so perfect together." I hear Mrs. Batra say to Julie's Mother.

"Where is Julie?" I barge into Mrs. Batra premises and ask Julie's mother furiously.

"What?" Anna asks, looking offended.

"What is going on Fatima?" Mrs. Batra asks in surprise and exasperation.

"I will tell you what is going on." I say confidently, still staring at Julie's Mother.

"This lady up here made a hoax call to Julie saying that she is ill and now Julie is no where to be found. What have you done to my Julie?" I say screaming my heart out.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Finally she speaks out, as if she had been preparing this speech of hers all along during that silence.

"Really?" I mock her fake innocence. I unlock the screen and hand the phone and the note left by Julie to Anna.

"Tell me what does it even mean?" I ask furiously, still looking at Julie's mother.

"I have no idea. Why would I do anything to harm my own daughter?"

"I don't know! Maybe because she slept with a girl?" I mock her in anger.

"Nancy! Calm down." Anna retorts.

"Calm down? Your sister is missing." I reply.

"I know. We will figure this out."

"There is nothing to be figured out. I am going to the police." I say and rush back outside.

I start the engine to drive to the police station with the phone and the note in my hand.

I keep thinking about Julie and what she would be doing at this moment. Whether she is alive or dead. 'Where are you?' I say shedding tears of pain.

Suddenly, a car blocks my way and a few men with masks on, pull me out of the car and push me into their mini van. One of them injects something in my arm and then after sometime, everything goes just black.


After the marriage.....

I let myself cry my heart out quietly in the corner of the room. He lies there on the bed sleeping, snoring and maybe dreaming too. My husband.
Nancy. I still have no idea of where she is or if she is alive or dead.

I bury my head in my arms and I stifle the noise coming out of me and I cry as much as I can.

He had forced me to have sex with him.

Her (#justwriteit) (Lesbian stories)(#lgbt)✔Where stories live. Discover now