You Make Me Feel (More and More) BoyxBoy/Slash:2

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Chapter Two: Zarek’s POV

My dad is sitting across from me, bottle of vodka in one hand, orange juice in the other. He’ll first take a drink of one, then the other, repeating, while staring at me. We go through the same routine almost every morning, that bastard sitting there with those cold eyes, giving me an icy stare as he drunkens himself up. I don’t bother talking, I could make some rude remark, something like “Oh hey dad maybe you should loosen up on the alcohol, you’re kinda getting a belly.” Something as stupid as that would get me punched in the face.

My mother ran off about three years ago, also around the time we moved to this town. Dad had lost his job and the love of his life all in the same day, really it’s quite a story. Since then we came here, moved into this shit hole of a trailer, dad’s always home drinking or doing jobs that pay close to nothing and I’m…usually not here. I avoid my home at all costs, and that’s pretty easy most of the time considering I almost live at my best friends house.

Camden Gray.

We met in eighth grade, when I first came here. He was the kid who never bothered with anyone or anything, he spent the days lazying around, and when I say lazying…I mean it. He sleeps more than anyone else I know. We first became friends when I went to sit with him at lunch, you could call it fate, but I find things like fate a load of crap. Fate is something girls believe in so when they’re on boyfriend number twelve, they can for sure know that they’re going to marry him. Why? Because fate brought them together. Yeah…I can almost positively say I can’t stand girls.

Except for Camden and I’s other friend Erica. 

Erica is one of those girls who doesn’t fit in, which is why she, Camden, and I click pretty well. We’re pretty much the group at school that people tend to avoid, but the girls always pester us. Not to be self centered, but I’m pretty attractive and that’s why I get so much attention, not like I asked for it. 

I suppose I could date anyone I wanted to, hell Erica is pretty good looking herself, but I just don’t think I could date a girl. Not when guy’s are so damn hot. Not when my best friend Camden makes me want to pant, when he’s curled up in that bed of his, shirt off…and when he’s just woken up, his dark brown curls in all directions, looking up with those chocolate eyes. It take’s all the self restraint I have not to throw myself at him. 

Maybe that’s why I went to talk to him in eighth grade, I knew I was gay then too. He had caught my eyes, more than that, in a cliché’ girly way, my best friend stole my heart. How fucking ironic and the best part? He doesn’t even know.

Camden’s POV:

“Yoo-hooo, Camden Gray, get that pretty little butt of yours up and out of bed before I come in there!” 

I groan, pulling the blankets over my head and grumbling. “Erica go away.” 

“Wrong answer sweetie, we gotta get to school, I’m already late enough as it is.” I feel her attempting to tear the blankets away, we end up having a tug of war fight until I’m wide awake.

“Urghh…” I glare at her, stumbling out of bed, looking around for clothes in my mess of a room. 

“See, how hard was that cutie?” She sticks her tongue out.

“Watch out, I’m going to get you back.” I grab her tongue to make a point and her eyes widen.I let go, then proceed to find clean clothes.

“You’re such a jerk Camden!”

“Uh-huh.” I find some red skinny jeans and a t-shirt. “Now as much as I know you’d like to see me naked, I’d prefer you get out of my room and wait downstairs”

She glares at me. “Hurry it up, we have ten to get to school before we’re really late.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I wave her off and she walks out of my room. 

Erica drives me to school every morning, because I failed my driver’s test and she’s the only one of my friends who actually has a car. In the mornings she swings by to pick up me and then we drive over to get Zarek who lives just a few blocks over. It usually works out, but I tend to sleep in and be stubborn, ha…

I throw on my clothes, brush my teeth and kind of shake out my hair, running my fingers through it as I make my way downstairs.

“Ready?” Erica asks.

“Uh-huh.” We walk out to her car and get in, she flips on the radio to some annoying pop station and I quickly change it to something that fits my taste.

“No way Camden, nooo wayy are we going to do this for the millionth time. My car. My music.” She flips back to her preferred station.

“I sit shotgun, I control the radio.” I turn it back.

“I said no!” She flips it back.

“Well too bad.”

In the end, she shuts up and pulls up to Zarek’s house where he walks over to the car and gets into the back seat. And I, listen to my music on the way to school. 


“Hey Camden?” Zarek asks, his voice hot on my neck. We’re in class, his seat happens to be right behind mine, if I close my eyes I can picture him leaning forward, mouth close to my ear.

“What?” I ask.

“Do you think I could just stay at your place tonight?”

“Yeah sure man, you don’t even need to ask.” I glance over at him. 

“I know.” He sits back in his seat.

I rest my head back on the desk, letting the wood press into my cheek, I close my eyes and ignore Mr. Hoffman’s drowning voice. I’m so tired, I feel like I haven’t slept in years…I open my eyes again but then find myself drifting. Who cares about English anyways?

“Mr. Gray, you are not sleeping in my class again are you?” 

I groan sleepily and look up at him. “Well I was trying to.” I mutter.

“What was that?” He gives me the evil eye, oh how scary, it takes a lot of self restraint not to roll my eyes and get into more trouble. 

“I said, I was trying to.” I say dully.

“Well, since you find my lesson so boring how about you just march to the Principals office?”

“Mr. Hoffman, I already spent first hour there, do you think I Principal Sanchez is going to want to see me again so shortly after he got rid of me?” 

“Out. Now.”

I sigh, grabbing my things and slowly making my way out of the classroom. It’s not like I’m a trouble maker, I’m really not, I just happen to be so tired all the time. Sleeping in class really shouldn’t be a big deal, I shouldn’t have to go to the Principal’s office just because I’m off in dreamland. Sleep is supposed to be good for us anyways.

As I walk down the hallway I’m tempted to just go into the library, sneak into the back and take a nap, but Mr. Hoffman is such a prick I should just go back to Principal Sanchez’s office. Oh well, there’s always lunch. 

Okay, I decided after debating on adding another POV that I'd end chapter 2 here....I think It'd be overload to have the POV's switch mulitple times in a chapter. So here's chapter two. :D Hope you enjoyed. (Sorry if it's still short, I'm new to writing full fictions instead of short newbie XD) ~~AudenAstray 

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