You Make Me Feel (More and More) BoyxBoy/Slash: 5

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Chapter Five: Zarek’s POV

“Where do you think you’ve been, boy?” My dad slurs.

I press my lips together and try to walk passed  him, but he puts his hands on either one of my shoulders. I look him in the eye. “Camden’s, and I need to get some stuff…”

“Why you always at your gay ass friend’s? That boy is sucha fairy, I dunno why you hang out with that loser.” His grip on my shoulders tightens.

“I need to get some stuff dad.” I try not to let his comments bother me, it’s just drunken gibberish. 

“You gay Zar, Zar?” He mimics.

“Dad. Let go of me, so I can get my stuff.”

“You are, aren’t you? I always knew, just a pointless boy you are.” 

“Dad. Let go.” 

“Not until you admit it.” 

“God damn, I’m gay, let go of me so I can get my stuff!” I glare at him as he smirks and lets go.

“Don’t come back for awhile, I don’t wanna see you.” 

“I don’t want to see you either jackass.” I mutter and walk past him, then feel him grab my arm, spinning my around and punching the side of my face.

“Be a good boy now, get your stuff and go, without saying rude remarks.” He lets go and I nod, not saying anything as I grab some more clothes and such.

He doesn’t get anything at all anymore, ever since mom saw the real him and ran. Sometimes I wish she would have taken me with her, but then I start thinking about Camden and change my mind. It’s a complicated bunch in my head, I wish I could just turn off all thoughts. 

I try to ignore the sting of the impact on my face, it’s not like he hasn’t hit me before, he has. That doesn’t take away the pain though. I make my way downstairs and past my dad, without saying goodbye I head out and start walking to Camden’s house. 

“Zarek! Is that you?” I hear someone shout and glance over. The first thing I notice is the boy’s bright pink hair that’s spiked up, then my eyes find his. They have to be the blackest thing I’ve ever seen.

“Uh, hey.”

“Can you help me with something real quick?” He takes a few steps toward me, smile welcoming. 

“Sorry, who are you?” 

“My bad! I’m Jay, I’m a year older than you, um…I’ve seen you around school.”

“Oh. Hm.” I take a closer look at him, he does seem familiar, but I still don’t know who he is. You think I’d remember hair like that, he pulls it off in a strange way.

“You think you could…” Jay trails off,  seeming to be embarrassed. 

“Whatcha need help with?” 

“I just got a new Flat screen, I can’t really move it out of my car…and I don’t want to ask my grandma so…” He fidgets, looking down at the ground.


“Thanks.” He smiles and we walk over to his car, he opens the trunk and I set my bag down on the driveway, before we go to take out the box.

“So, you live with your grandma?” I ask.

“Yeah, my parents died in a house fire when I was four, so I’ve lived with her ever since.”

“Sorry about that.”

“Nah. I don’t remember them, I hear they weren’t that good of people anyways. Politicians.” 

“Gotcha.” We start walking toward the house, I try to focus on not dropping the damn thing.

“So what about you?”

“Mom ran off…and I live with my dad.” 

“How long ago did she run off, if…that doesn’t bother you.”

“Erm. It’s fine, three years I guess.”

“Must be hard.”

“Things have been better.” We get to the front deck and set the TV down, Jay gets the door then we lift it up once more taking it inside.

“I know that feeling.” He laughs slightly and I kind of smile.

“So…how’d you afford this baby?” 

“Haha, I work my butt off at the local Video rental place, you know the one by that subway?”

“Family Video is it?”

“Yeah, I work there after school most days and on weekends, been saving up for awhile and finally got this one on sale.”

“Nice, I wish I had a job, let alone a car.” 

“I think we have an opening if your interested.” We walk up the stairs one by one until we get to the top. “It’s to the left here.”

“I’ll think about it.” We walk into his room and set the TV down, I glance around, looking at all the band posters and drawings covering the walls. I note he has a really nice stereo in the corner and cleared out a space across from his bed for the TV. “I like your room” Just then I notice a poster of a half naked guy on his ceiling.

“Thanks, I think I just need help putting it on the wall and then you can go…if you want.”

I nod, glancing again at the poster before helping him open the box and get the flat screen out.


“So…you probably noticed.” Jay starts saying after we get the TV up on the wall. 

“Noticed what?” I ask.

“The poster…I’m gay. If that bothers you sorry.” He shrugs.

“It’s fine.” I step back and look at the TV. “If it bothered me I would’ve bolted already.” 

“Haha, yeah. Thanks for helping, you want to see how well the graphics are? This one is HD.”

“Sure.” We both sit down on the end of his bed and he goes to program the remote, after that, plugs in some stuff then sits next to me again. 

“Want to do the honors?” He asks me, handing over the remote.

I smile and press the power button. 

“And it works!” He exclaims, looking at the default screen welcoming you to Dish Network.

We end up walking back outside so I can grab my bag and he can close the trunk of his car, then we start watching TV for awhile, just sitting there and chatting away, eventually his grandma comes in and introduces herself, then we go eat dinner. I don’t even realize how late it’d gotten until I see the analog clock saying it’s eleven.

“Shit…” I mumble. 

“What is it?” Jay asks.

“I need to go.” 

“ It’s late, just stay here.” He says.

“I would, but I kinda should go.” I grab my bag.

“Want to hang out again sometime?” Jay asks.

“Yeah.” I walk toward the door.

“How about this weekend, we could go see that new movie.”


“Not a date, unless you want it to be.” He smiles a bit.

“I’ll think about it.”


With that I say goodbye and head outside, walking the rest of the way back to Camden’s and hoping he’s still up.

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