Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Jennifer's POV:

"And you are entirely sure that you neither saw nor heard anything suspicious?"
If I hear that question one more time I'm gonna smash my head on the table.

I take a deep breath to control my anger and answer for the hundredth time in a polite tone "No, Mr. Hemington, I did not see nor heard nor smelled nor tasted something suspicious while I was there. Can I may be excused now?"

"We still have a few questions," the police officer with the dumb name says. P. Choke, says his name tag. I'd really like to choke some people in here if they keep me here any longer.

"Do you know who that is?" They turn the display of the laptop so I can see it clearly.

"How should I recognize the person if all I see is a black figure?"

"Well, Miss Lawrence, this person entered a few minutes after you did so we want to know if you maybe saw him?" The principle asks sounding as annoyed as I am.

My eyes widen in realization and everyone in the room stares at me eagerly.

"Yeah I met him on the way out. His name was..." Oh shit. Did I really forgot his name that quickly?

The principle lets out a groan and shakes his head. There's a long awkward silence where the police officers still stare at me like I'd suddenly remember everything if they just stare at me long enough. Dimwits.

But maybe if I tell them they finally let me go home. "I can't remember his name but he told me he's new to this town."

One of the officers basically throws himself in the chair and starts typing on the laptop.

"Family's that registered in the last few weeks." he reads out loud. "Apple white, Bolton, Cassy, Cok," I can't help but letting out a snort making the officer glare at me. "I'm sorry, I'm going to shut up. But why are you reading them out loud? It's not like I asked him what his surname is." I tell them, hoping they would drop it and let me go.

The officer opens his mouth to reply but the principle beats him. "She's right."
"I am?" "She is?" Comes at the same time from both me and the officer.

"You are dismissed Ms. Lawrence, thanks for taking the time to answer our questions." The principle says and I have to stop myself from jumping out of my seat and shouting "goodbye you dumbasses!"

I nod and tell them politely goodbye before basically sprinting to the door. Like I said earlier, I hate that school.

Sitting outside the school I take out my phone and text Josh to pick me up.

Zac is at the grocery store with mom rn i'll pick you up when they get back

That probably means in like half an hour ugh. Why can't I have my own car? Life would be so much easi- "Hey didn't we meet yesterday?" I look up to the slightly unknown but still familiar voice and see a guy staring down at me with a smile.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned and totally not from here. While my brain is slowly starting to connect the pieces I continue staring at him. I probably look like a total creep.

"Yes!" I shout surprising both of us. He takes a cautious step back and looks at me funny.

"I'm sorry it's just like these officers kept asking me questions and they asked me if I met anyone while I was there and I couldn't remember your name and they kept asking and they probably won't stop and-" I take a deep breath, realizing that the guy has no clue what's going on and I'm just rambling.

Love war (Joshifer)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt