Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Josh's POV:

It's funny how Jen's friends react when they see us together. No matter what Jen says to them they are even more shocked when I say that she's my girlfriend.

Actually I like the though of me and Jen together but I know that this will never happen so I just avoid the feelings.

I go to my class room but the teacher isn't there yet. I take my seat next to Jack and talk to him. "Hey Josh" somebody behind me says.

"Oh hi Jacob." "

I have a question" he says a bit nervous. "And maybe I have the answer." I reply.

"Are you and Jen really together?" he asks.

The question irritates me. Why does he ask and how does he know? And what should I answer?

"No it was just a joke to get Veronica off my back." I say deciding to tell the truth.

"Why? Veronica is pretty hot." he says.

"And she's a little bitch with a horrible personality. Why are you asking?"

"Uhm...I kinda like Jen."

"You don't even know her." I say. "That's why I want to get to know her. So it's no problem for you if I ask Jen for a date?" Jacob asks.

I'm shocked. I never thought that somebody really wants to go out with her. I thought they were just gonna flirt with her and if I say that I don't like her anymore they would stop.

Unfortunately I was wrong. This situation is pretty awkward. "That's none of my business so you can do whatever you want." I say and turn around to talk to Jack.

"Okay thanks mate" I hear Jacob saying and then he goes back to his seat.

I suddenly feel weird and uncomfortable. Am I jealous? No I can't be jealous.

Nothing ever happened between Jen and me and it's gonna stay that way. But I just feel even more uncomfortable. Only the thought that she high-likely gonna say no calms me.

After my last class Jen approaches me and punches me in the arm. "Thanks motherf*cker" she says.

"Ouch" I mumble while rubbing my arm. "For what?"

"For embarrassing me in front of my friends and because of your little 'I-like-Jen' action your little friend tried to ask me for a date!" she says.

"What's the problem? You just can say no." "I tried. But he begged and he didn't give up so instead I gave up and said yes." she says calmer.

"You did what?!" I asked shocked. My voice is louder than usual. "Don't yell at me. After all it's your fault!" her voice is now as loud as mine.

"I didn't yell at you." I say soft.
"Yes you did!"

"No" "Yes" "No" I retort.

"Why do you even care?" she asks. "I don't care! Go and fuck Jacob!" I say totally overreacting.

"Excuse me?" she asks shocked.

I recognize this situation. "Whatever!" I say and walk away. I am so stupid!

Every time I walk away from an arguement instead of searching for a solution. And this arguement was really unnecessary so I have to do something. I can't make the same mistake as I did 7 years ago.

Next day

I feel miserable for not aplogizing to Jen. Fortunately I have english in the first period so I can talk to hee and she can't walk away.

As I enter the class room I take my seat next to Jen but she ignores me. "Jen" I begin but she interrupts me.

"Don't talk!" she says and I can hear in her voice that she's still angry. I would be angry too.

"Jen I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry. I-" I begin but then the teacher walks in and everybody goes silent. "Tell me later" Jen whispers.

After english Jen walks to her locker and I follow her. When we arrive I begin to talk. "I'm really sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have said that. I totally overreacted and I didn't want to make the same mistake just like 7 years ago. I just reacted like that because I still miss you.." I say but quickly add "as a friend!

We used to be best friends as kids and I think I still have the feeling to protect you but I don't want to break a friendship that didn't even start yet. Can we just start all over again?"

Jen looks shocked. She doesn't answers. "You don't want to?" I ask a bit disappointed.

"Yes I do!" she quickly responds. "But there is one thing that I have to tell you..."

"What is it?" I ask puzzled.

"Jooooooooooshie" I hear a high-pitched voice yell over the hallway.

I turn around and see Veronica who runs towards me. I look back to Jen and give her a questioning look. She just mouths 'Sorry'.

"What do you want?" I ask Veronica. "I got your text and I would love to be your girlfriend!" she squeaks.

I look to Jen again but she quickly looks away and I can see her laughing silently.

"I don't know what you're talking about and I would never ask you out. Get it?" I say.

"You just say this because Jen is here! I know that you send this Message and you can't deny it!" she says angry.

"Do you have my number?" "No" she answers puzzled.

"And how do you know that this was my number?" "Because there stands 'by Josh' and you are the only Josh I know" I just Palm face mentally at that girl's stupidity.

"Maybe somebody else wrote it and added 'by Josh'. You're so naive"

"Nobody would do something like that to me." She states arrogantly.

"And what was with the note huh?" I ask. Now she's speechless.

"See. Now would you mind." I make a gesture with my hand shooing her away.

"I want to finish my conversation with Jen."

"You asshole!" she screams and walks away. This girl really has a problem.

I turn around to Jen and wait for an explanation. "That's what I wanted to tell you." she says.

"What did you do?"

"Maybe I wrote a message to Veronica and told her it was from you?" she says a bit smirking. I'm quiet.

"Are you mad?" she asks more seriously and worried. I shake my head. "No" I say smiling. "I think we're even." I add. She sighs with relief.

"And how was your date with Jacob?" I don't know why I asked that. I'm so stupid. "It's today." she says. She doesn't seem excited but I still feel uncomfortable. But it's her life, not mine.

"Oh okay. Have fun!" I say smiling. I don't want her to know that I'm not okay with that. But what can I do? I'm not her brother,father or boyfriend I'm just her 'friend'.

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