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~Dan's POV

I looked into his eyes as the life begins to fade away, his body going slack. I close the man's eyelids immediately, never wanting to see the dead stare as I eat. I roll up his sleeve, exposing his still warm and smooth skin. I bite into the man's forearm deeply, tearing it apart slowly. I like to do it all softly to minimize the mess of the blood afterwards. It was always a pain to clean up. I might be sick, but at least I'm tidy about it.

I can feel the deep seeded hunger start to feel replenished as I continue, taking off thin layers of his skin from other parts of his body and chewing. Blood was beginning to drip in my eyes, I had to stop to wipe it away, just smearing it more across my face.

As I finished my last chunk of meat, I stood up, feeling a morbid sense of satisfaction. I had learned to suppress the guilt that comes along with my habit, but it always resurfaced every now and then. I turn my head back around, looking at the aftermath of my meal. I wanted to feel nothing for the man, but I couldn't help it. He didn't seem as bad as the others.

I started to clean up the red liquid, still oozing from the victim's large gash. I would have to bandage that up, letting his body retain it so I could save it for later. I hated wasting a good kill.

I could feel that some of his blood had gotten in my hair, causing it to crust. Even I knew that was gross. But in a way, I liked it. Because that was all I had ever known.

Wake up





It was just the way it was. I couldn't help it. Because I am Dan Howell, and my life is walls of white covered in one brilliant shade...


~It's weird, I know :/ Should I continue it, or... ??? Let me know plz

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