New World

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I run out to meet my friends and Andrew and they were making sure that I was ok. I said "Yeah I'm fine."

"Where do we go now?" Alaina asked me.

"Well what would be the safest place till they make one for everyone that survives?" Payton asked.

"If they make one." Hannah added.

"True." Shae said in agreement with Hannah.

"They might make one." Payton said to defend herself a little.

"How about we quit talking and go somewhere before we get bitten." Andrew said to end the arguing. I smiled and laughed a bit.

"Yeah where are we gonna go?" I ask. Everyone looked at each other and nodded in agreement then looked at me. I looked at them confused and then they finally told me. Andrew step up to me to tell me.

"Your house."

"What you wanna go to my house why?"

"You asked us where we wanna go and we answered." He said with a smile on his face.

I had no expression on my face and I thought about it then finally I said, "Fine let's go me and Andrew will drive our cars and you can choose who you guys wanna ride with since all of you guys ride the bus and Alaina we might need your car so you drive yours." I got in my car and Hannah called shot gun and got in and Shae, Payton, and Sammy got in the back. I look out Hannah's window and see Andrew getting in his car and Daniel called shot gun and got in and Jackson, Zach, and Logan got in the back.

While we were driving I listened to "Take me or leave me" off the movie Rent. Me and Hannah sung it, she sung the white girl part and I sung the black girl part. When we pulled in my drive way there was a walker at my fence trying to break it down. I picked up one of the bricks around the flowers in the front yard and walk over to it. Then I walk back a little bit leading it away from my fence and when it got close to me I kicked it to where it fell down on the ground and then I stepped over it and bent over a bit and kept slamming the brick on/in its head till Sammy pulled me away.

"Are you ok?" Sammy asked me.

"No these things used to be people and some people I knew! I am not gonna be ok!" Once I said that I felt so stupid. Sammy was silent and took a step back to let me cool down before trying to talk to me again. "I'm sorry I just can't help it if those scientists didn't try to make these things in the first place then none of this would have happened today." He nodded and started to say something till Andrew walked up and said, "Hey we should get inside before more come.

"Yeah." Alaina said in agreement.

"Ok." Me and Sammy replayed at the same time. Me and Sammy are like best friends he is my best friend and not just out of the guys, I mean out of everyone. We looked at each other and smiled and laughed a little bit. Man I love him. Wait a minute what why did I just think that?!?!?! Somethings wrong with me I think it might just be because of the whole apocalypse thing. Apparently Daniel was talking to me but I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't here him.

"Lynn? Are you ok?" Daniel asked me.

"Yeah sorry I was just caught up in my thoughts I guess. Anyways what were you saying?"

"I was asking who is home cause there is a t.v. on in the room that is connected to the kitchen."

"Oh that's just my mom she normally checks and sees who came in but I think she might think that we are..." I am cut off by the bedroom door swinging open and my mom coming out with a gun. She was about to pull the trigger cause she thought we were walkers I guess.

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