The Escape

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We started walking down the hallway and we finally came to a door and Lynn barely knocked on the door then on the other side there was a lot of walkers banging on the door tryin to get us.

"They aren't in there." She said plainly then started walking to an open closed door all of the way down the hallway and she knocked on the door and nothing hit the door so she tried it again and still nothing.

"They are in here I know it." She turned to me for my approval so I nodded my head and she tried to open the door but it was locked and she didn't wanna shoot the lock cause the gun shot would attract the walkers. So I told her to stand back and she did. I ran and hit the door then just fell down I didn't do one thing to that door. Then Lynn told me to step back and she pulled out something that I couldn't see very well. She took a good 5 seconds to open the door.

"You know I could've just picked the lock right?" She said while walking into the room. I followed her and then shut the door behind me. I wonder where her cousins are at or if they are still alive. I really hope we find them soon otherwise everyone will be wondering where we are.

"Sami? Conley?" Lynn whispered kinda loud. I turned to her and asked "What?"

"Not you my little cousin."

"Oh ok." Just after I said that we heard something move in the cabinet. Lynn looked at me and I went over to the cabinet put my hands on both of the doors on the cabinet then looked at Lynn. She nodded and I swung open the doors and stepped back and when I got a good look at what it was I saw a girl and a boy hugging each other.

"Sami! Conley!" Lynn semi yelled. She ran over to them and they got out and they all hugged. We heard something in the closet so Lynn thought we shouldn't leave it alone so I walked over to the door and looked at Lynn. She nodded and I swung it open and she was about to stab it but stopped. I looked into the closet and there was Lynn's older brother Chris. She got down and helped him up and I got down to help too.

"Could this day get any better?" Lynn asked and they all looked at her like she was crazy.

"Excuse me but did you say better?" Sami asked with some attitude.

"Yeah I did because if I didn't come here y'all would have been dead in the maximum of 3 days thank you very much." Lynn said back with even more attitude.

"Whatever we could've got out." Sami said with even more attitude.

"Oh really now how would you do that without any weapons, no supplies, and with them two you would have to help?" Lynn said with the same amount of attitude as Sami. Then Sami was silent.

"Yeah that's what I thought." Lynn said with just a bit of attitude but we all got up and Sami helped me with Chris and Lynn helped Conley.

We walked all of the way down the hallway and went through the doors I guess its good that Chris was with them and helped them otherwise they might have been walkers by now. We walked outside and surprisingly there were no walkers to be found. So we just continued on. The car was about an hour away if we walked but if Sami was ok to run and Chris was too me and Lynn could probably run while helping Conley. I mean worst comes to worst I will just carry Conley there. Yeah he might be 16 but I can still carry him.

"Hey can you run Chris?" Lynn asked Chris.

"Yeah I think so but what about Sami and Conley?" Lynn turned to Sami.

"Can you run Sami?" Lynn asked.

"Yeah what about Conley?"

"I could try carry him." Chris said.

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