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We are shooting walkers trying to help the last group and some other people if possible and right when I turn my  head I see Sammy's sister Samantha get all bit and scratched by a lot of walkers. She is screaming like crazy trying to get away until one bites her neck and takes a big chunk out of it and she died. After that her body fell to the ground and Sammy started running over to her and right when he killed the ones eating his sister about 9 walkers were about to bend down and bite him and scratch him too but Cierra tried cocking her gun but it didn't work it was jammed then she ran in front of the walkers sacrificing herself for Sammy to live. I don't know why but she probably did it for Samantha cause they were best friends. But after she did that Sammy shot her to give her mercy then turned to his sister and did the same he ran back to the car after killing a few more walkers. Then he goes jumps in the last car and just leaves everyone that was still alive behind. Including Max and I instantly knew that Lynn was mad and she was most likely going to pull a gun on Sammy if he didn't stop the car and sure enough he didn't. Sammy kept on going and didn't stop and then he ended up going full speed away from everyone and that didn't make Max to happy. I saw Tim backing up cause all of the group died but him and now it was just him and Max. The next thing I knew he was leaning back and started saying stuff to Max I was to far to see what he was saying but it sure did make Max mad. Suddenly Max's eyes turned red then he started running full speed the same way that Sammy took off in the car.

I take off in the same direction that Sammy drove off in as fast as I possibly can. I keep running no matter what gets in my way whether it's a walker, car, pole just whatever it is I won't stop till I give Sammy what he deserves. I guess I was running pretty fast cause I caught up with the car then finally it stopped I ran up to the car and swung the door open. I yanked Sammy out of the car and threw him on the ground. Then I just lose it and grabbed him by the neck and started punching him in the face repeatedly.

Max yanks me out of the car and throws me on the ground. The next thing I know is he grabs me by the neck and punches me in the face repeatedly. I get punched about 30 to 40 times and then everything goes black.

Max is literally beating Sammy to death right now and I just froze I don't know what to do cause I have Sarah. Then finally after I see Sammy close his eyes I quickly hand Sarah over to Leon and jump out of the car then I try to get Max away but if won't work. So eventually I ran as fast as I could and tackled Max to the ground. Sammy's face had a lot of blood on it and I think Max might have broken Sammy's jaw and possibly his nose. I kind of feel bad for Sammy even though he so deserved it cause I probably wouldn't have let the person live if they left me behind like that. I would be breaking their face I probably would have shot Sammy straight in between the eyes if Max wouldn't have made it out or if he wouldn't have stopped the car. Either way Sammy was going to get hurt and either way someone would have got revenge for Max. I am super glad that Max is alive cause if he died I would probably go rouge or something like rage killing as many walkers as I could before I died. But then again Flynn and Sarah wouldn't have a mom or dad left I mean yeah my dad is still alive but he is still depressed that Heather died. I am a bit depressed to but I have a lot of things to worry about and keep me busy so I don't think about it that often.

We kill the rest of the walkers then go and try to find where Sammy went and where Max went too. We really need to find out what the heck is going on with them two before one beats the other one to death. We start driving in the same direction that Sammy did and it took us a good 35 minutes to get to where we could see the car and Sammy laying on the ground with a lot of blood on him. Then we see Max leaning up against the car with Lynn by his side. Next we see Fatima and Leon with Sarah and Flynn in their arms. So my guess is Mark didn't even bother to get out of the car. We pulled up to them and everyone was asking about Sammy and Max's response made me laugh so fricken hard.

"He left me so I might have punched him... Like 30 to 35 times maybe even 40." Max said and after he said that Alaina started laughing so hard.

"That had to fricken, that had to hurt so fricken bad." She said still laughing then that made Lynn laugh harder than Alaina which made Fatima laugh then pretty soon all of us were laughing.

Everyone is laughing and having a good time when I look over and there is another herd of zombies about twice the size of the last herd we faced just a bit ago. So I decided to scream and tell everyone to get in the cars and go. We still have a lot of ammo but we lost 9 people just today and I don't think that we want to go through that again. Everyone runs to their cars and mark gets out and put Max in the car.

I get out of the car and tell Max to get in.

"But sir-" He starts but I cut him off.

"Get in the car now." He looks at me then gets in the car then I hear a door open and look over to see Lynn getting out.

"Dad what are you doing get in the car."

"No Lynn go give me a pistol and a knife then I will go on my own."

"But dad-" She starts but I cut her off.

"Lynn I have no reason to live and I will die later on in this apocalypse if not now and you know that."

"Dad that's not true you have me, Sarah, Flynn, Chris, Tony, Leon, Mia, Maria, and mom to help and look after. You still have a lot to live for."

"No Lynn, you and all of my kids remind me of Heather and I miss her to much leave me."

"No Dad I can't." I kiss her on the forehead and pull her into a hug.

"Please baby don't make this any harder than it already is." With that she gives me one last look her eyes are tearing up and then she gets in the car. Everyone takes off and that leaves me I start running for the rail roads and go from there.

Lynn gets in the car next to Max. I am driving and Fatima is in the passenger seat with Flynn and Sarah. Right after Lynn got in the car she looked out the window and stayed silent. Then she put her headphones in and listened to her music. It was so loud I heard it she was playing a song called Run Daddy Run it was on repeat too. I don't think that she realized it but she started singing the song.

"Daddy can you heard the devil drawling near like a bullet from a gun run daddy run. All the sons you used to sing to me would rock the birds to sleep I need you now but please some how the rockets on your feet oh oh oh oh daddy can you hear the devil drawling near like a bullet from a gun run daddy run..." She sung the whole song and a tear fell down her check Max whipped the tear away and pulled her into him arms. He wrapped her in his arms and she just lost it she started crying her eyes out she was crying so hard she could hardly breathe and I want to break down with her but I am driving and it would be in front of Fatima. I really don't want her to think that I am a wimp.

So we have been driving for a good 2 hours and Lynn stopped crying and Flynn and Sarah were now in Lynn and Max's arms. I look back for one second and then I see the most adorable thing ever and that is Flynn in Max's arms, Sarah in Lynn's arms and all of them asleep and Lynn and Max have there heads keeping each other's up. Later on the rest of the group stops their cars and I do the same we stopped at a weapon store and started making it all comfy and that became our new house cause man is this store big. They are all still asleep in the back of the car and we start repairing the other cars and finding some gas for if we need to leave in a hurry.

Katie's outfit at the top.

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