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***1 Year Later***

Dani's POV

To say I was nervous to be going home is an understatement. I've spoken to Caitlin basically everyday so I don't mind seeing her, and I talked to Niall heaps, so him I don't mind either and the same with Harry. It's Louis. To say we left on bad terms is also an understatement. We have hardly spoken and when I left he was pretty distant. It's not surprising though I would of been pissed off too. I actually hated being here when I first left. Now, now I don't want to leave. I've had the best year where there was no drama and everything I did was based on baking. And I actually feel happy and free. I feel relaxed, and my love for baking has returned.

"Passengers please fasten your seat belts we are about to land." The air hostess says through the radio. I lean my head against the window. I smile as I see the familiar setting of Brisbane. I wonder what Louis got up too. Other than partying, that's basically all I saw on Twitter. I wonder if he found someone.

I feel my mood get even worse thinking about Louis being with another person.

The plane lands and I grab my things and walk off the plane. I make my way over to baggage claim and go through customs. I walk through and see heaps of people running off to there friends and family. That's the only thing I like about airports. You see loved ones connect with each other. Other than that I hate airports.

"Dani?" I hear a voice and turn around to see Caitlin.

"Hey." I smile and give her a massive hug.

"Look at you, you look amazing." She squeals. My hair is light brown basically my normal colour and it reaches my lower back. I'm in a white singlet with with a white and dark blue skirt and white high heels.

"Thanks, you look really great too." I smile at her.

"Well, I hope you are not tired, because we are having a little party to welcome you home." Caitlin tells me.

"Well I do like parties." I smile and we walk to the parking lot.


"Dani!" Niall yells and picks me up spinning me around.

"Niall!" I laugh and give him a big hug.

"I missed you so much." He says putting me down.

"I missed you too." I sigh and hug him tightly. I pull away and Harry passes me a beer. I give him a hug and he kisses my cheek.

"Missed you." He whispers.

"It's great to see you." I smile. We pull out of the hug and I go around the room giving people hugs. I scan the room and slightly frown when I see Louis isn't here.

"He is on the roof." I hear Liam say and I turn around.

"Thanks Liam. It's good to see you by the way." I smile and give him a big hug.

"It's good to see you happy." He says. "So how was it?"

"Really great actually, I met a lot of great people and I learnt a lot." I tell him.

"Well that's great." Liam smiles.

"And congrats with your engagement." I respond and watch as he slightly blushes and gets shy.

"Thank you, and my beautiful girl gives her love, she is a bit sad she couldn't make it but she is coming in a few days." Liam tells me.

"Great, I haven't seen Sophia in ages." I respond.

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