Truth Or Dare

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Dani's POV

"Louis." I whisper.

What is he doing here? I push all my emotions down and look at him. He looks really fucking hot... Like always. His hair is swept to the right like always. He is freshly shaven making his jawline and cheekbones very prominent. He is wearing a black tank top showing his tattoos off. He is wearing some black jeans and no shoes just black socks. I look back up to his face and our eyes lock. They look sad and lonely, but still as beautiful as ever.

"Ahem." Caitlin says breaking me out of Louis and I's staring.

"I... Umm." I stutter.

Words not wanting to form. I look over at Caitlin and she gives me a sad look. I feel a hand on my hip and I slightly jump I look up and see Wes. Fuck I totally forgot about him.

"Wes this is Louis, Louis this is... My boyfriend Wes." I say looking down.

"Nice to meet you." Wes says shaking Louis hand.

"You too." Louis says making me look up at him. He sounds sad.

"So dinner?" Harry asks and everyone nods their heads. We walk to the dining room and I sit next to Wes and Caitlin. Thankfully my best friend is smart and brings down some wine with her. I'm not too big on wine but at this point alcohol is alcohol and I need it.. As much as I can get. I pour myself a glass and take a sip.

"I love you but I can't do this with you anymore, it's over." Louis says and with that he walks away. Every step he takes moving away from me is another part of my heart that is breaking.

I put my glass down and realise that it's empty.

"You ok babe?" Wes asks and I look up at him and force a smile.

"Peachy." I reply trying to keep my voice even when all I want to do is wrap myself in my bed and cry. Just when I thought I could at least try to move on he has to show up. Wes knows about my ex but I don't think I ever mentioned that it was Louis. I watch everyone grab there food and wait until they are all done. I put a bit on my plate, my appetite leaving me. Not that I really have one anyway. Everyone starts talking and having there own conversations. I sit silently not paying attention to anyone and pick at my food.


Louis POV

She doesn't look like the girl I fell in love with. However she is still as breathtaking. She has lost a fare amount of weight that I'm slightly worried. Even when she smiles I can see it doesn't reach her eyes, I can see she wants to cry, her eyes showing all her emotion. Seeing her like this breaks my heart and knowing I'm the cause of her pain makes it even worse.

I watch her play with her food hardly having any to eat and frown. She has never been a big eater but I've never seen her like this.

I silently eat my food only talking when a question is directed at me. I never really wanted to come tonight. As much as I miss Dani I knew me being here would hurt her. But Niall wouldn't take no for an answer. If I had it my way I would still be in London or Donny and going to clubs. Like I have for the last 8 months. I never wanted Dani and I to break up but I had no choice.

"Louis, mate!" Niall says nudging me, breaking from my thoughts.

"What?" I ask through a sigh.

"Can I have your plate if you're finished?" Danis sweet voice says. I look up at her and see she is biting her cheek. Her voice sounding a bit wobbly and I know if everyone wasn't here she would be crying.

"Oh yeah thanks." I say handing my plate to her. As I hand the plate over is notice the green ring on her finger that I gave her causing a small smile to grow on my face. I watch her walk to the kitchen and place everything into the dishwasher. "Niall can I talk to you privately?" I ask and he nods his head. He leads me through Dani and Caitlin's new apartment. It's a very nice apartment.

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