Chapter 2

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Driving to Ari's work place.

I had gone into work today and got told I was getting 2 given tickets to a concert, the One Direction concert. The concert was at 5pm tomorrow.

I knew who I was taking straight away, without a doubt I was going to take Ari, she needed a night out so I will take her to the concert and then we can hit the town, and then we can find a hotel.

There was no way i am going all the way back on my own to mine and Thomas's at like 4 am.

No way.

Ari lives in the opposite direction of me and is in a one bedroom flat, so we would of separated so a hotel is best.

It will be fun to spent time with Ari, before I get married and all.

I got out of my car as I reached Ari's place of work.

You couldn't really call it work, this job she does what she loves ... Drawing.

Ari has 3 jobs and this job is to design and hand draw, paint, or whatever she uses to create back drops for photo shoots.

Sometimes she gets to keep the back drops if the company or the people having their photos done (normally celebrity's) don't want them.. Some do keep them and think that Ari is really talented, witch she is!

I walked to the main to ask witch room Ari was in.

"Hey, I'm looking for my sister Ariana Watson, do you know witch room she is in?" I asked the woman at reception who's name I never remembered. I should write her name down seriously!

"Floor 3, as you come off the elevator, down the hall the third door on your left, room 36" she smiled at me and I started to walk over to the elevator.

I entered the room the woman told me an walked over to Ari, I knew her boss Jonathan, I stopped by often so he just smiled when he saw me.

"Morning Ali, nice to see you. What's it been like 3 days" he chuckled.

"Morning Jonathan, missed you all so much I had to stop by, hey, you seen Ari?" I answered him.

"Yeah, she's around the other side of the wall setting up what she needs to start her new price, we have a band coming in today so we need to find out what they want on the back drop before we start. She's getting better and better every time she does these backdrops, more and more clients are asking if they can take them!" He answered me enthusiastically without taking a full breath.

I was amazed, not only did he love my sisters work but he could say all that without really breathing! That must be a new record right?!

I laughed to myself at my thoughts. "I'm glad, she really enjoys it here. Right I'm going to see her I have a surprise for her an I know she will love it!"

"Talk to you later Ali" Jonathan smiled at me.

I walked around to see Ari on the floor setting up her iPad she was given for the job, a small board about A3 size, I assume for a small sketch of what she will be producing and then pencils, pints, chalks and oil pastels neatly placed on an open art box.

"Hey, hey, hey" I crouched next to her, with a wide grin in my face.

"Heeyyy, what's got you all smiley Ali?" Ari questioned with raised eyebrows.

"Ohh... Nothing..." I started "other than the fact I've just been given 2 tickets to see one direction tonight live" I started off cool and calm but I then couldn't hold my excitement.

One Direction are the only boy band (with their type of music) she really likes, Ari is note of a You me at six and fall out boy, type of person, not many people knew her love for One Direction. I mean she wasn't a crazed fan, but she loved heir music. I don't blame her, their good!

"Ari five minutes and our clients will be here.. Wait I haven't told you yet who our clients are have I?" Ari shook her head in response. "I guess now is an okay time to tell you, our clients are going to be one direction, they will be up here in 5 minutes..." He paused for a second "hey Ali, are you staying, while the boys are here, if yes.. Would you like a drink?" Jonathan turned to face me with a warm smile

"" I looked to Ari for help but she was still a little shocked. "Uh.. Yeah, um only if that is ok with you Jonathan, I understand if you say no... They are a huge boy band and all" I thought I should ask, unsure if Jonathan actually minded me being here while Ari done her job. I've been here on some of her jobs before, but One Direction are huge!

"No, it's fine dear, you can stay ill get someone to bring you a chair and a drink. Oh and Ari have you got all your stuff together?"


I nodded at Jonathan collecting myself before I began to talk. "Yeah, I have the IPad ready for when they get here for the pictures they choose and then they will be coming out here with me for a few hours to come up with my design?" Sounding more like a question as I answered him.

"Yeah, that's the plan.." He paused looking down at his phone "right they are in the elevator, grab your iPad for the first part. We'll introduce you to the boys, unfortunately I must leave in about half hour for a meeting downstairs so you and Ali will be the only ones here other than the boys and their security guard Paul" Jonathan told me as I got up from where I was sat and headed with him and Ali to the door.

This was it. In less than 5 seconds I will be meeting One Direction, and along with that ill be designing the backdrop with them for their photo shoot and will be going to their concert tonight.

This day can't get any better!


A/N :- Hello my little cupcakes, yes that's your new nickname.

Sorry this is late it's like 1:40am here in the UK, but as promised I have done this. I know it's not that long but my brain isn't functioning.

I've literally, for the past week or so, only been having like 2/3 hours sleep a night. I just haven't been able to sleep. So I will try to write the next chapter tomorrow and post it for you all.

I hope you like it so far, I know it's not that good, the One Direction boys haven't even been introduced in the story yet! I'm sorry I'm so tired! I promise they will be in the next chapter ...

I WANT YOUR INPUT, WHO SHOULD ARIANA LOCK EYES WITH AS THE DOOR OPENS? Louis? Harry? Niall? Zayn? Or Liam? Tell me what you think!! If not I will have to choose an I'm bad at choosing things!!!

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