Chapter 4

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After Ari left to go to Nando's, my most favourite restaurant ever, the boys basically wound me up. There was no hiding the fact that I liked he from the moment I laid eyes on her.

Her sparkling, bright, blue glistening eyes, she had dark hair, in the light was a powerful purple. It made me wonder, what was her natural hair colour? She looks like she was a blond or a light brown. I will find out. I will. Why? Because I want to know everything about her!

Is it too soon to say I think I might like this girl? No I can't think like this. For god sake Niall! Pull your Irish self together you've known this girl for about 2 hours!

But she's so beautiful, and her eyes are so pure, so innocent.

No Niall, stop!!

I got pulled out of my thoughts by the boys nudging me.

"Awh, is our Nialler growing up?" Zayn spoke up. Before I could reply Louis spoke, "Does our Nialler have a little crush on Ariana?" He said with a smirk on his face. I could feel my face heat up at his comment, blushing a bright tomato red.


I can understand why Niall has a liking for this girl, and she obviously likes him too!

I mean I saw the way they held that stare when we walked through the door.

It's cute, Niall isn't one for going out on dates, he hasn't been the one to 'date' since we've known each other. Maybe if he had some courage this one he could make work.

He hasn't known the girl less than 3 hours and he's already taken a liking to her.

But I've got to admit, she is quite gorgeous.

I need to get up some courage. I've got a plan!

When styles has a plan there's no going back!


Myself and Ari had just finished up in Nando's, she insisted getting some chicken for the boys. Her excuse was that they probably wouldn't like the buffet.

But I know Ari, she very rarely gives a damn about others when it comes to food. God could that girl eat and not gain anything.

I knew the reason behind her wanting to bring food back to the boys was because she had a little think for the blond. Niall.

She was adamant that she didn't like him like that. But i know Ari like the back of my hand. Not only are we sisters but were like best friends.

I have to do something, I know this guy, Niall has a little thing for my sister too, I can tell. It's in his eyes!

I'm going to be mischievous! What? I can I'm her sister! Don't judge me! I'm only doing what's best for her own good.

We just arrived back at Ari's work when I was pulled out of my mischievous thoughts.

"Ali! I said are you staying here for a bit?" She asked, annoyance rang through her voice, she had obviously asked me but I was too deep in my thoughts.

"Uh yeah... I mean if that's ok Ari, you have work to do! I mean I don't need to be back at work for another hour" I reply to her question, still in a daze.

"Yeah Ali, it's all cool! Okay let's go up!" She's excited today, I wonder why, hmmmmm, haha!

We made our way back to the room and I saw the boys sitting around chatting.


"Right, I was hoping to get right in and do some small boards with you guys first! Hey did you take any pictures with those cameras I gave you all?"

The boys looked at me with sorrowful eyes. "Nope, sorryyyyy! We were going to but we got to talking! And when you get Lou here talking you don't get him to stop" Liam, stepped in defending him and the rest of the boys.

"Right then! Change of plan... I'm going down to get some people ill explain when I'm back and you guys in the mean time try to take some pictures... They will be handy for next session witch is in ... 3 days I think!" I said the boys nodded in response.

"ALIII?" I said, well kind of yelled, with a childish tone in my voice.

"WHAAAATTTT?" Ali replied mimicking my tone of voice.

"I'm going down stairs, I won't be long I promise! Buttt will you please make sure these numb nuts here take pictures?" I said smiling, still using a childish tone of voice.

"Erch fine! I better get payed for doing your work" she fake wined to me but broke it by laughing. She's such a terrible actress!"

"THANKYOU!" I yelled as I walked out the door not wanting to waste more time than I already had.


"I'm hungry! I'm going to get food!" Niall got up and walked to where the food was in the next room.

I was glad Niall and Ari both weren't here.

"Hey, can I ask you guys a question?" I asked I was quite nervous about telling them my sister liked Niall and I thought he liked her but hey better me than her right!

Before I could get an answer I quickly continued. "Well, you guys know my lovely, unusual, strange, crazy weirdo younger sibling Ariana right?" They nodded and chuckled at what I said. "Well she... Kinds got a thing for your little leprechaun friend Niall there.." Before I continued I waited to see their shocked response. I was surprised when they were all smirking.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I was so confused!

"Well, our little leprechaun friend Niall there, also has a thing for your lovely, unusual, strange, crazy weirdo younger sibling Ariana there" Louis said with the biggest grin ever.

"Really?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"We need to get them two talking" Harry replied.

We sat there for about ten minutes coming up with a plan to get Niall and Ari together, talking and maybe 'hooking up' as Zayn puts it.

I told the guys about me having tickets to their concert and backstage passes from work. And that's where our plan would go into action.


Hey my little cupcakes!

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been kind of ill and have no energy!

And I'm sorry it's a small chapter!

With my next chapter I think I might actually post what Ari will be wearing and maybe her sister!

Any input would be GREAT!

I hope you like this chapter a bit better... As the boys are in it more :)!!

Read! Comment! Vote!


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