Not your average girl

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Getting to know Ari.


Okay, so I'm not your average girl. I'm not a fan of dresses, heals, makeup, and 'girly' stuff, if you know what I mean?  

Don't get me wrong, dresses are pretty and that, but their just not ... Well their jut not me.

My name is Ariana Jayne May Watson. I'm 18 years old and well I'm English. 

I have purple hair and blue eyes. I was blond when I was younger ... I just wanted a change. 

I honestly can say I would have been the perfect Arian if I was born in Nazi Germany time! But hey I like my life now... Hitler was a total bastard... Excuse my French!

I have an older sister, Alison Elisabeth Watson. Ali has the perfect life she is getting married in a few months to a wonderful guy. Thomas Wills, He's awesome, Ali loves it because we get on really well, we get on so well were like brother and sister already.

I'm currently at university. Not long started actually. In between my studies at uni I work.  

I'm a part time waitress at a local Nando's restaurant.  

In the summer I work for the local swimming centre as a life guard and instructor. 

I also design backdrops for photo shots for extra money.

What ever helps pay the bills right?

Okay so your probably thinking, Ari sounds totally normal!

HELL NO! Dude you did not just think that. You will regret it I promise you.

So, a little bit about me, I love art, dance, sport, sleep, food, sleep, watching tv, MUSIC!!, sleep, oh and who can forget skateboarding although I'm not sure if you would count it as a sport ?

I'm not your average 18 year old girl.

I'm shy and I try to keep to myself a lot, I'm not a fan of making new friends if I'm not up for it.

I love swimming, netball, basketball, football (soccer if your American), hockey ( not the one on ice), surfing, skateboarding, dancing and singing.

Yes. That's right I love to sing. But to myself personally, I get very nervous, I know I can't sing, it's embarrassing.

I've had a good but tough life.

My parents were always good to me, and my family loved me. My family have good fortune.. Yes that does mean they are quite rich, although I prefer to fend for myself as much as possible, that's why I moved out. They payed the first 4 months rent for me so I could get on my feet, my parents are good like that.

I was never the 'popular' one at school and I kind of liked that 'cause I kept to myself and was close friends with just a small group of people.  

I never flaunted that my family had money, that would attract a lot of people wanting to be friends with me for my family's money and also I don't like people as per say. I mean I like people but I prefer a small amount.  

What? ... Claustrophobia does that to people!

I was never the 'skinny' kid, I was the 'chubby' one who the 'populars' always seemed to make fun of.

I hated my school life I constantly got bullied about my weight and pushed about because I was so shy, and kept to myself so much.

Music was one of the ways I let my anger out, along with surfing skateboarding, running and cutting myself.

Yes that is correct. I cut. I self harmed. I am not proud of it, but it makes me who I am today. As much as I love life and my family I most of the time I hate life and wish it would end, I know I shouldn't think like that compared to most I unfortunately i live the life of luxury.. Witch I never wanted ... It comes with 'responsibility' but that is another story.

So you know a bit about me and my life, I can get into my story.

Because my life is so amazing (note sarcasm).


A/N:- okay so there are going to be a few pictures in this chapter of what I imagine Ariana to sort of look like, in the next chapter I'll do the same for her sister Alison :) !!x

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