Chapter 5

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Hi my little cupcakes!  

I've wrote this chapter once!! It got deleted! I'm so angry with my phone right now ... And I'm positive I saved it!  

Anyway, so that means this chapter isn't going to be 100% what I'd like it to be.

But I hope you all like it anyway.  




I was on my way back up to where everyone was, when some idiot decided to spill coffee down my white top!

I swear I'm going to kill that person when I see them next! But right now I'm in a rush!

I walked up to the studio everyone was located.

"ALIIII!!! I NEED MY LOCKER KEY NOWWWWW!" I shouted as I walked through the door.

"geeez Ari, no need to shout I'm right here..." She paused as she saw my top.

"I swear I'm gunna kill the person who did this, don't people watch where their walking! And GOD! THE SMELL OF COFFEE!!!... " I started anger rang through my voice.

"Ali getttt the bloody key, so I can change before I throw up!!!" My voice was now more 'upset child' tone.

Ali walked to her bag getting the key.

"Who done it?" She asked as she walked back.

"Don't be a smart ass with me now Alison! I know what your thinking! And don't you think that if I knew the person they'd be the one getting a mouth full and more and not you?!" Ali just chuckled, she knew not to mess with me when I was angry. Smart girl.

I had forgotten the five boys were there when all of a sudden Niall came through the door to where the food was with a plate of snacks.

"Wow, What happened to you?!" Niall started in shock. I could feel anger boil through me again, but I could also feel myself mentally 'awww' at the thought that he kind of cared to what happened. Judging by the shock on his face and all.

Ari shut up! For goodness sake, the boy barley knows you, not enough to care so much for you!

Niall put his plate of food onto the table. And when I say put I mean practically chuck. And speed walked over to me, ensuring I was ok.

"OH MY GOD! Did Niall Horan just practically throw his food for a girl?!" Louis shouted with a gasp. Followed by gasps from everyone else in the room apart from myself, Ali and Niall.

Before we could say anything, a guy with 8 Starbucks cups came barging through the door.

"I'm so sorry I'm late! Some bloody stupid woman ran into me and spilt the coffees so I had to go back and get more and now I'm really late and I'm really sorry! Witch one of you is Ariana Watson? I'm your new kinda assistant" the guy said without breathing in between.

He looked up before I could answer.

"Wow what happened to you?" God he was too chatty! This was the guy who spilt this shit on my white top! I want to kill this guy!! Stupid .. HE CALLED ME BLOODY STUPID!! Oh that's it my anger has overheated!

"IM ARIANA AND YOU FUCKING DID THIS TO ME!! YOUR FIRST DAY ... YOUR LATE!, YOU SPILL COFFEE ON ME!, YOUR TOO FUCKING COCKY AND FRANKLY I DONT LIKE YOUR ATTITUDE" I yelled in frustration, the boys were looking at me in shock as I unloaded on the new guy.

"Wow chill out babe, no need to go nuts" he replied ... Now he's done it!

"Dude I wouldn't.." Ali tried to warn.

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