Welcome Back

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He drummed his fingers on the table, his eyes closely recognizing the characters written on the paper. He checked the succeeding documents and found out the language used is the same. He lift his dominant hand and with a speed of light, the papers are signed. He continued this act for two more hours until the stacked papers disappeared.

"You're getting faster in terms of paperwork, Dame Tsuna."

The teenager looked up and saw a man in a suit and fedora leaning on the doorway.

'That only?' He thought, disappointed with himself.

"Of course not. You're exeptional," the man said as if reading his thought. The boy's face lightened. "In doing stupid things." The man in suit continued.

"I do not!" The brunet cried. He can say he's no longer the Dame-Tsuna that everyone knows. Yes, he can be clumsy at times but he knows he improved. His grades, physical strength and leadership. Thanks to a certain tutor, he also developed a sadistic nature which only appears when his paperworks are increased. And his guardians know this very well for they are the cause of his stress.

"What are you doing here anyway, Reborn?" He just sat back to his chair and sighed.

"Your uniform is here." The man tossed a box towards the boy which he barely catched. The brunet blinked in confusion, all he knew is that he'll be home schooled. 'Does home school also have a uniform?'

He opened it and saw a neatly folded blue and gray uniform and a letter. He first picked up the piece of paper and opened it.

To my dear grandson,

You're finally in first year highschool! And I am very proud of your simple achievements.

I know you were told you'll be home schooled but learning in a real school would be better.

Being in a new school might endanger your life so I enrolled you in a school I know is safe. No, not here in Italy since its obviously dangerous but back to your home country, Japan.

It may not be much but I hope the facilities of the school will help you in your studies.

With love,
Vongola Nono (Grandpa)

PS. The school is secretly ran by the Vongola, not even the mafias knew about this, so no worries. I assure you your classmates are normal people.

PPS. I also enrolled your guardians.

Be safe my cute grandson Tsuna.

Tsuna gawked upon finishing reading the letter. He frantically reread the letter before giving out a cry.



"I'm very sorry Juudaime." His ever loyal storm guardian bowed 90 degrees.

"I already told you it's fine, right? It's only a month anyway." Tsuna assured him yet he still apologized non stop.

Today is the day Tsuna and his guardians are supposed to fly back to Japan but unfortunately, Gokudera and Bianchi needs to stay to care for their ailing father. His mother and his adopted siblings, Fuuta, I-pin and Lambo went back a month earlier together with Kyoko, Haru and Chrome.

"Hayato, we need to go." Bianchi, now wearing glasses, approached the group and lightly tapped her brother's shoulder. Gokudera only nodded. "I'm sorry about this Tsuna. Father's sickness is not that serious but we need to take care of him every now and then."

"It's all right, Bianchi-san, I fully understand." The brunet smiled and the older woman smiled back.

The group watched the limo where the siblings are disappear in sight before they entered the Vongola plane. In exactly 5 minutes the plane took off. They immidiately told stories with each other to forget the feeling of loneliness without the storm. Hibari, who is not with them during the farewell is already sleeping in his room. Mukuro, on the other hand is enjoying a chocolate shake and ironically, watching the clouds outside.

The trip went smooth except when a skylark and a pineapple started fighting inside the plane causing for them to nearly crash. Tsuna used his Zero Point Breakthrough to freeze the two. The other guardians sweatdropped. Reborn just smirked at the sight.

His student is finally learning.

"Please wear your seatbelts for the plane will be landing soon." A man's voice was clearly heard from the PA and it is only when the brunette unfroze the two who wordlessly sat on their respective seats and put on the seatbelt.

They arrived at the Vongola manor safely and their family greeted them upon opening the door. Tsuna was immidiately tackled down by I-pin and Lambo and Fuuta helped him up before Nana, his mother, locked him in a bear hug. She is obviously in the middle of cooking something since she's still wearing her apron.

"Welcome back onii-chan." Kyoko greeted her brother who beamed a smile at her.

"I'm back to the EXTREME!" Ryohei cried.

"Yamamoto-kun." Haru approached the tall teenager. She and Kyoko were supposed to pass the message but seeing her friend busy chatting with her brother, she decided to do it herself. "Your father told us to inform you that he's very sorry not to greet you home since he's very busy with the sushi restaurant."

"Ahahaha, is that so? Then I'll just call him. Too bad I can't help." Yamamoto laughed and scratched his head before dialing his father's number.

"Hibari-sama a call from your mother." A maid cautiously approached the obviously pissed off teen and offered the telephone.

"Hn." He simply nodded and answered the call. Everybody knew he is a rich kid and ever since his parents learned about their son's ties, they allied their company with the Vongola with a blink of an eye but they never forgot to ask their son about his wellbeing.

Mukuro looked around and saw his companions busy with their family, he chuckled for no apparent reason. He was about to walk away from the place when a voice made him stop.

"Mukuro-kun, Chrome-chan is currently out to buy some school supplies. Ken-kun and Chikusa-kun is on a mission."

"Is that so?" He looked back and gave a fake smile to Sawada Nana. "Thank you for informing me Sawada-san."

He didn't meant those words but Nana just sweetly smiled at him. She then fished something inside her apron pocket and handed it to the mist.

"You like chocolates, don't you?" Mukuro blinked at her, surprised at her actions. He accepted the neatly wrapped chocolate.

"And just call me Maman like everybody else." She continued smiling and the mist didn't give a reply. In the background, Lambo started crying but it didn't miss the ears of Nana.

"Oh my, excuse me for a moment Mukuro-kun." She didn't wait for a reply before running towards Lambo.

The mist warmly smiled at the retreating figure of the woman before looking at the wrapped chocolate.

"Thank you, Maman."

And this time he meant it.

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