New School Experience

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Because of a sudden 'unfortunate accident' their flight to Japan was postponed until that was fixed. Therefore, they are behind school work for a month, as for Gokudera's case, two months.

Tsuna is currently fidgeting on his chair as the students around him act as if he doesn't exist. Some will even glance at his direction with eyes full of curiousity. The first class haven't started yet but he wanted to go home right now. He lowered his head, the brunet is still shy around new people. Note, new normal people.

'Takeshi, Chrome. Why are you two not here yet?' Tsuna thought to himself. Ever since graduating Middle School, he was 'encouraged' by his tutor to call his guardians by their first name.Speaking of, 'That stupid tutor! He tricked me in beleiving they're already here at school.'

"I haven't seen you in the past month, are you a transferee?" A cool voice distracted Tsuna from his thoughts. He looked up and met the heterochromatic eyes of the speaker.

"Uhhh... I... I'm not." 'HIEE!!!Reborn will kill me if he heard me stutter.' His mind was in panic but maintained his smiling faćade. "I only entered late because of some personal matters. A friend of mine was also held back just like me."

"I see." The red head slightly nodded and studied the brunet. "I'm Akashi Seijuro, the student council president. You can approach me if you need anything concerning about school."

"Student Council President?" Tsuna asked in a slightly loud voice. His first impression about him is like facing a tamed Mukuro but he never expect him to be that of a leader. "If I'm not wrong, you're also a first year, right?"

"Yes, I am. Is there a problem with that?"

"Umm... no. It's just amazing to see a co-first year carrying the burden of the whole school."

Tsuna awkwardly laughed. He called him amazing but the two are actually the same. The red head in being a school council president and him being the next in line as Vongola boss. The difference he can see between them is that Akashi looks like a perfect fit for the job while he's only being him.

"It's nothing. I'm an Akashi afterall." Akashi said with no hint of arrogance, as if he's just stating a fact. "What is your name?"

"I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi. I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself." Tsuna slightly bowed as an apology. When the red head is about to talk, another voices cut in.

"Yo, Tsuna."

"Good morning, Boss."

"Takeshi, Chrome. Good morning." He greeted back and introduced them to Akashi. "Akashi-kun, these are my friends Dokuro Chrome and Yamamoto Takeshi."

"Good morning, Kaichou." Chrome greeted the red head and he only nodded in acknowledgement.

"I assume this is your friend you're talking about earlier." He said, reffering to Yamamoto.

"Yes, there's another who cannot attend today but he will be here next month." The Vongola Decimo briefly said.

"I understand." The President said and as if in cue, the bell rang signaling for the start of classes. "It is nice meeting you two." He then went back to his seat.

"I'm also going to my seat, tell me everything later, Tsuna." Yamamoto whispered and sat on an empty seat two chairs away from his boss. Chrome whispered a reassurance and went to her seat in front of the teacher's table.

The teacher entered seconds later and the thought of being a normal student entered Tsuna's mind.


Yamamoto laughed at his story. He can't help it, he found it amusing. Chrome, on the other hand, didn't speak but the pity in her eyes can be seen. Tsuna only pouted as he saw the expression of his companions.

It's already lunch break and the group are eating on the rooftop. The brunet told them about how Reborn tampered with his clock, making it one hour advanced. As a result he thought he woke up late. When he entered the dining room, it was empty except for Reborn sipping his coffee and casually told him Yamamoto and Chrome already left. Therefore, he rushed to school, only to see the cruel truth of him being thirty minutes early.

Tsuna felt like crying. After the arcobalenos returned to their original body, five months after the curse was broken, Reborn became more sadistic than ever. He would even go far to fake thousands of paperworks saying it's part of his training to know which is true. In the brighter side, the hitman don't kick him on the head any longer but the gunshots were increased.

"I'm just glad Reborn can't come to school." He whispered to himself.

"He can."Yamamoto told him with a smile.

"EHH??!! WHY?"

"He's part of the Vongola after all. Though, I do not know if he's here."

"Kufufufu..." a laughing man suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "He is."

"Mukuro-sama." Chrome blushed upon seeing the older illusionist.

"Hello there my dear Nagi." Mukuro said with his signature smirk.

"I forgot you guys were also enrolled here." Tsuna mumbled. "Where is he now?"

"I saw him enter the principal's office." The mist simply said.

"What is he planning this time?" The brunet sighed.

"How about the others, Mukuro?" Yamamoto asked.

"The skylark is talking to a red head while that loud man is being shown around by his sister and her two friends."

"Miura and Kurokawa, right? So what leads you here?" The rain curiously said.

"Boredom." The heterochromatic said. "Don't expect me to stay put in that small room."

"Ahahaha, of course." He laughed at his reason while Tsuna chuckled.

"Shall I accompany you after lunch break?" Chrome shyly asked.

"That will be unnecessary."

The group turned around and saw a familiar face.

"Cutting classes is not allowed. Anyone who is caught violating this rule will face me." Reborn smirked at them. "And I'm sure Hibari accepted the role as the new president of the disciplinary committee."

No one talked. Mukuro can only glare at him, though he can defeat the hitman in a way, he still doesn't want to get in his bad side. Especially when that unfortunate accident happened.

In summary, everybody, even the Varia doesn't want to be in his bad side after that accident happened. No one dares to mess with him.

"I'm also the new vice-principal of the school." He turned his heel and started to walk away leaving the speechless group behind.

"It's chaos..." Tsuna lifelessly said Reborn's catchphrase. His thought to be normal life will never happen.

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