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As the class came to an end, i found myself falling asleep. Transfiguration has always been a bore, i could transform a car into a spider at the age of 6, So everything's review for me. 

After writing down the homework for tonight i walk quickly to the exit accompanied by Blaise. Im not spending any more time in that classroom than i have to. 

" So, how was sitting with potter? Does he really smell as bad as everyone says he does? " Blaise says while pulling a chocolate frog out of his bag. 

" well, it was alright i guess, and as for smell he-" Before i could continue my sentence with ' he smells like rotten cabbage' I was pushed to the ground by some unknown force. 

" Hey watch it Potter ! " Blaise yells as he sticks a hand out to help me up. I take it and pull myself up, standing close to my bestfriend. 

Stupid Potter. 

" Im so sorry! Im in a bit of a rush, i hope your okay." Potter blushes. Not a good look on him. " Your bleeding!" 

I look down and see that Potter is correct, there was a large stream of blood trickling down my knee. 

" Let me take you to the hospital wing, its the least i could do " Grabbing my waist and pulling me into his arms Harry starts to walk to the hospital wing. 

Of course Blaise had something to say about this. 

" Woah, put her down. I can handle her. " 

I gave Blaise a stern look and mouthed " mission " 

He got the idea . Hes the only other person i know about that knows about my plan to take down Potter. 

" Never mind. I have someone to meet. Catch you later Violet " And with that he turned away and continued down the hall, leaving me alone with Potter. 

I looked up at him and he smiled. 

" Im really sorry. I didnt see you and i wasnt looking. " He started walking again. 

" No Harry, it's fine. I was being clumbsy, you didnt even push me that hard " I lied, he actually took on the form of a bulldozer, He could of killed me. 

He just smiled in responce. 


We aproched the bed Madam Pomfrey assigned me and Potter placed me lightly onto the stiff cot. 

" Thanks Harry I - " 

" Come to Hogsmead with me." 

I was shocked, we just met and hes already wanting to hangout. Father will be pleased. 

" Yeah, Sure. I love hogsmead, and i need to get some more ca-" 

" Like on a date." 

Damn you potter, if you cut me off one more time i swear i'll hex you to oblivion. 

I put on the sweetest smile i could manage before giving him a warm hug. 

" I would love to Harry. " 

Potter got up and started to leave with the biggest grin on his face. Turning around he gently says

" Your not like the other slytherins." then he leaves without another word. 

I release the breath i didnt know i was holding and sink into the bed. 

As i closed my eyes someone began clapping slowly from the corner of the room, making their way over to me. 

" Well done Riddle, Your father will be well pleased wont he. Already scoring a date with ' the chosen one' " 

It was Draco Malfoy, Current death eater , and the biggest pain in the ass you will ever meet, i swear it. 

" How do you know about my mission malfoy " i spat evily at him.

He smirked at me, his cool grey eyes undressing me. Or atleast thats what it looked like. Pervert. 

" Well, if you must know. Your father gave me a mission too, and he he told me about yours. How unfortunate for you, You cant get any worse than Potter. " 

I cursed at him under my breath. 

" What's your mission Malfoy. " My curiosity got the best of me and i threw him the nastiest glare i could manage. 

He stood up and made his way over to me, his face brushing against mine, his lips reaching to my ear, his smooth voice tickling me. 

" room of requirment, midnight, dont be late. i'll tell you whatever you want to know "

And just like that he pulled away, leaving me to think about what may happen tonight. 


OKAY, that was a crap chapter. I just wanted to introduce Draco and that was the best idea i had. Next chapter will be loads better i promise. XX

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