Chapter Seven: Solitary Confinement

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Chapter 7: Solitary Confinement


 "What was all the screaming about?" I asked curiously. Josh sighed and halted at the same time. 

"There's been a trail of bodies starting around twenty to thirty minutes ago, we're certain it's a newbie vampire, and we have loads of them, but we're not sure of our commands yet, Nick asked me to bring you to him," he explained.

"Oh wow, that's really bad! I'm so glad Rose isn't a psycho on the loose," I laughed. Then I stopped and Josh and I both turned to face each other with the same knowing look. 


Zoe's P.O.V

"She's a threat. Threats must be taken care of, I cannot express that enough."

I slapped a hand over my forehead in frustration and anger. They had found Rose over three hours ago and locked her up in the room her transition took place in. They allowed no visitors, basically meaning me since I was the only one who had the decency to go, well me and Josh. Speaking of whom, hadn't spoken a single word to me since they tracked her down. I was beginning to think he was avoiding me or something. Which only angered me more since he was my friend and should be here with me or at least fighting for Rose's freedom.

They had me locked up too, for no aparent reason. I guess they thought I'd do something crazy and try to save Rose... I was still waiting for one of my newfound vamp friends to come free me but obviously that didn't seem like it was going to be happening anytime soon. I forced my eyes shut and drew a sharp breath.

I glared at the vampire sitting on a chair infront of me, dressed in a crisp white shirt, trousers and a jacket to match. Did he dress up to tell me that he wanted to execute my best friend? He was good looking and seemed to have a lot of money, which only made me hate him more. 

"You made her that way!" I yelled, tears pricking my eyes, threatening to spill if he spoke any further. My anger was boiling at him, I wanted to slap him across the face and knee him where the sun don't shine. He deserved it for saying what he did. They couldn't destroy her, they made her for God sake!

"You've taken her once from me already, you are NOT taking her again. Do I make myself clear?" I shouted, banging my fist on the table next to me, spilling the content from the plastic cup. He kept a straight face, no emotion, no empathy no nothing. He looked souless and empty, I could see it all through his eyes. He wasn't a person. He was a ghost, a vampire with no soul or empathy. I was talking to a man without a heart.

"It's not your authority to decide the fate of this young girl. She had been chosen, turned and now she is unstable and uncapable of mainstreaming. We are killers but we also have control over our bloodlust."

I took a moment to take it all in before saying, "that's thing biggest load of bull I've ever heard! It hasn't even been a full day since she turned and you expect her to be an expert at control? You're an idiot along with your equally idiotic collegues! You can't kill her without giving her a chance!"

He shook his head, "I apologise for your loss in advance Ms Reed." 

After that he left, shutting the door behind him.

I gulped the lump building at the back of my throat, letting the tears spill from my eyes. As they gushed out I felt arms around me. I turned back to Jeremy who had sat silently through it all, I buried my head in his chest and sobbed. They were going to kill her. They were going to execute my best friend.

Nick where are you?

As if right on cue, Nick stood before me, his green eyes watery and his face engulfed in a painful expression. He offered his hand, I placed my smaller one in his larger one. I felt Jeremy stiffen beside me but ignored it like I ignored the tingles spreading through my hand like fire. I stood up, staring at Nick as he stared back at me. None of us dared to move. The gaze we shared was intense, causing my heart to soar and butterflies to flutter in the pit of my stomach.

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